Viewing Sierramist66's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Alright, I give, you all win.
Today, Wednesday December 15, 2010 I will officially fill out the "About Me" section.

Note: There's a Dream Avi down at the bottom if you wish to donate.

Sierramist_66's given birth name is Katherine, but most people just call her Kat. She is quite introverted, and in some way's weirdly so. Meaning, while many introverts don't have a problem talking on the internet, she does, and therefore rarely speaks except when necessary.

She was born in one of the Fifty states in the United States of America just before a snow storm. Three years later she moved elsewhere in the same state until their house was finished a year and a half later in a different part of the same state, where she moved with her parents, again. She spent all thirteen of her years in school in the same school district with the same kids, and graduated there.

She is currently a second year college student currently attending a community college after being dismissed from her university of choice due to poor academic performance (that was not her fault by the way. She got screwed over by her French professor and abnormal psychology grading scale.) She is undecided, but seems to be looking at a major in psychology with a possible double major in sociology. Leading to a career in counseling or the like.

She, also, has lost the most amazing boyfriend in the world and they had been dating for a week short of a year, when he called at one in the morning on a weekend when she was the only one home. He told her that he didn't think they were right for each other, that he had been having doubts about them for several months and never told her. He later said that he had been seriously thinking about what he wanted in a wife, telling her that she was "almost exactly" it. Ouch, that hurts.
It's been two months. Since then she's had several major and minor depressive episodes. Realized that she has absolutely no friends, and the ones she thought she had are terrible. Her boyfriend was her best friend, and she could tell him anything, and now he's gone. sad

Some of her interests include reading, and photography, but mostly reading. She occasionally ventures into the world of graphic design, and once ventured into the world of HTML, but doesn't dare into the world of CSS (so if you could make her a spiff layout that would be awesome, PM her about what she might want.) She also has a fairly eclectic taste in music. her collection ranging from Classical music to country to classic rock to pop and etc.

If you want to know more, feel free to PM her any questions.

Also, Here's a Dream Avi:
User Image
Total Value: 2,241,650 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Fremere's Guard
Elegant Feathered Mask (Snow Pinions)
Picolitrosso's Urn
Picolitrosso's Urn


Viewing 12 of 126 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 08/07/2012 6:58 pm


heart heart Thanks very much for buying heart heart
Glass Fire

Report | 04/18/2011 6:35 pm

Glass Fire

Sweet Profile! heart
puke in my mouth

Report | 04/18/2011 4:35 pm

puke in my mouth

nice profile

Report | 03/15/2011 6:11 pm


Copy and paste this message to ten profiles. Got that? Now, in the next 5 minutes, press the f5 button, to refresh your page. You should have a blue gift-box getting high around your screen, flying all over the place. In which, there should be an Ancient Katana, or a CoCo the Kitty Plushie

Report | 01/28/2011 2:09 pm


Where are you? I can't see you anywhere

Report | 01/28/2011 12:23 pm


I will re-do my about me section just because of you. I like the way you did it, can I take some of the idea to write about it?

Report | 01/28/2011 12:23 pm


Darn, darn, darn....stomps foot at the floor.

Report | 01/28/2011 12:18 pm


It's Karma, I know its real....where are you Karma...stop messing with the darn silly decisions Lanzer has's not our fault...we want to play.

Report | 01/28/2011 12:13 pm


Something is defenitely up! I've been trying for over 30 minutes to log into any server on zomg

Report | 01/28/2011 12:11 pm


Gee I can't log into zomg, I must be banned or can't make more goldz geeee