Viewing Tard Is Whadt's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Beating back fire and flames
herding through sweat and the blood
blood of my calling comes pouring,
covered in earthen-oil mud.

Never saw, ever, a sign
of someone who always held face.
They were all broken down with the crying
of losing a life-and-death race.

Broken and sobbing and ripping
ripping through shoulders and spine.
Pain! is the wrenching, enduring
almost a 'best friend' of mine.

Carrying water of yearning,
learning to quench its thirst,
hopefully gaining, no, earning
the best place to finish = the worst.

I never saw anyone dying,
my eyes been glued shut long ago.
Fighting through summer and winter...
which is worse? Rain or the snow?

Wishing I spoke of the hardship,
the troubles that all must go through.
But I am elite. I fight back the fires.
That is what firefighters do.

For the Unsung Heroes you guys rock.


♥Whose Line is it Anyway?♥


Viewing 12 of 14 friends


These Are My Thoughts

This is mine, and no-one else's.

All The Random Stuff That I Am Thinking At The Moment. I write fanfictions a lot. Watch for those.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Summer Fallwinterspring

Report | 10/13/2008 8:28 am

Summer Fallwinterspring

Thank you!

This signature is probably the most lucrative thing I've done on Gaia. However, that's balanced out by the fact that one guy thought it was directed at HIS comment board, despite the fact that we had never seen nor contacted each other before then, and the fact that I had a large number of Twilight comments and he did not.


Why so many stupid people?
The Blood of the Covenant

Report | 05/24/2008 10:16 pm

The Blood of the Covenant

Random quote from me

I saw inyuyasha and there was this guy with an adorable littlel monkey

it was soo cute :3
Chocolate Robot

Report | 05/12/2008 6:02 pm

Chocolate Robot

Thanks User Image

I'll make more on the weekend

There so much fun lol

Oh btw do you know the link for the other avie building site?

The not tektek one. I found it once before but I lost it

Report | 05/08/2008 8:35 am


nice avi

Report | 05/07/2008 9:46 pm


Good luck with your sister's friends and her. I'm sorry that happened to you, I would be pissed too...
Chocolate Robot

Report | 05/02/2008 1:20 pm

Chocolate Robot

Thank you for the Avie compument :herat:

I am making plans for some more Avies

I have a couple in my Journal ifyou want to see them.
Chocolate Robot

Report | 05/02/2008 12:07 pm

Chocolate Robot

Hey there how have you been?

Weird theres a code thingy


Report | 04/26/2008 4:02 pm


thanks for the purchase
Simply Envy

Report | 03/19/2008 7:58 pm

Simply Envy

Awesome Profile.

Report | 02/19/2008 8:12 am


Then why did you add me to your friends? User Image


No, I was not hacked. I was robbed.
No, I am not begging for donations. That's just lame.
Yes, I am explaining to try and remain at least semi-cool.