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Registered: 10/11/2006

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Wonderweiss has a thin and somewhat child-like body. He has light blond hair, parted to one side, with the tips fanning out from his face. The remains of his Hollow mask consist a three-point tiara on the top of his head. He wears the Arrancar jacket with a hole in the middle of his chest, revealing his Hollow hole and the tip of a mark on his chest. The outfit also has large arm cuffs on the sleeves. He only has two teeth visible when smiling, freckles and bright purple eyes.

Even though his body was wrapped in bandages during his birth, with several protrusions throughout his body, as a Hollow, he is roughly humanoid in both size and shape User Image


Wonderweiss's personality is very childlike and possibly comparable to a child with autism; for example, when sent on a mission to kill, he instead played around with a dragonfly. He shows some hostility, firing a defensive Bala blast at one point, but quickly reverts back to his usual childlike state after doing so. In a later confrontation, Wonderweiss displays a higher level of hostility by stabbing Ukitake through the chest without any warning or provocation. Despite his childlike demeanor, he also displays some compassion by freeing Tia Harribel.

Wonderweiss does not speak in coherent sentences, only saying a few syllables at a time such as an infant would. The only coherent phrase he ever speaks is his own name, immediately after being "reborn" as an Arrancar. Kaname Tosen remarks that Wonderweiss, like himself, is a pure being (though he remarks he doesn't quite know what exactly is pure about him) who often tend to stick together; he claims this is why Wonderweiss follows him everywhere. It is implied that he tried to restrain Gin Ichimaru from approaching Tosen because Wonderweiss was wary of him.

Powers and Abilities

Although his true strength has yet to be seen, Wonderweiss is shown to have strength on par with the Espada, being counted as one by the Soul Society, and being sent on mission with others. The fact that he could sneak up on Jūshirō Ukitake, one of Soul Society's most capable and powerful captains, and seriously wound him with one strike and destroy Hitsugaya's huge ice obelisk with a simple cry gives hint of his actual power. Even Starrk, the Primera Espada, said if Wonderweiss is in battle, Aizen is wanting to end the fight, further hinting on the Arrancar's powers.

Immense/Vast Spiritual Power: All of the Arrancar invading Karakura during Ulquiorra's mission to capture Orihime Inoue were stated by 12th Division observers (using spiritual power measuring sensors) to be Espada level. Being one of these Arrancar, this means that Wonderweiss has at least similar spiritual power to the Espada, despite not being one himself.
Wonderweiss' Cero.

Cero: Like other Arrancar, Wonderweiss fires his Cero through his mouth. It's full potential hasn't been shown as Mashiro blocks his Cero while he is charging it.
Wonderweiss attacking Kisuke with Bala.

Bala: This technique hardens the users spiritual pressure and fires it from their fist like a bullet. The power emanating from his hand after his attack was pink and static-like, signifying his Bala is pink.

Sonido Master: The Arrancar equivalent to Flash Step. Wonderweiss was able to sneak up on Kisuke, a former Captain, and attack him with a Bala, signifying his speed and use of Sonído. He later instantly appears behind Ukitake before the captain could react, again showing his masterful abilities with Sonido.

Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: During battle, Wonderweiss relies primarily on his fists. He has defeated Mashiro, a Vizard who is also an expert hand-to-hand combatant.

Garganta: A method Hollows use to move from Hueco Mundo into the Human World. It tears the dimensional space and reveals a portal of whirling energy. Wonderweiss is able to move between worlds using this technique.

Hierro: Wonderweiss' Hierro is shown to be very strong being able to pierce Ukitake's chest with ease.

Enhanced Strength: Wonderweiss must have a considerably amount of strength being able to critically injuring Mashiiro with one punch.

Enhanced Durability: Wonderweiss has shown to be a very tough and determined fighter, repeatedly getting up to attack after being pummelled.

Enhanced Voice: Wonderweiss can even emit a loud battle cry that shattered Hitsugaya's ice obelisk, as well as countering Mashiro's Cero.

Hollow Control: With his battle cries he seems to be able to control Fūrā; as Tōsen said, "his words have meaning."


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Beauty of Billie Joe Report | 10/10/2010 9:55 am
Beauty of Billie Joe
I miss you guys so ******** much... sad
Daniel's already in school huh?!
I want to visit so badly, but I never have a way up to your house. And now, I'm even further cause I moved up North-ish.
But it's a house too. smile Not two story but it's got a HUGE backyard... with...a... POOOOOL! biggrin
hahahaahaah. smile
Get back at me ho-bag! smile Tell Sammi to, too. smile
Musugi Report | 02/07/2010 12:37 am
whoa dude, your name is blue lmao NICE
Zargblarg Report | 01/17/2010 9:36 pm
Thank you for the purchase.
SuperDuperPlatypus Report | 01/17/2010 11:04 am
Your ferret is chainsawing my a**!
greeny tree Report | 01/13/2010 6:44 pm
greeny tree
that lol sooooooo funny lol cant stop >.< lafing lol
greeny tree Report | 01/13/2010 3:32 pm
greeny tree
greeny tree Report | 01/13/2010 3:29 pm
greeny tree
"Fool tried to dis me
now you're gonna wish you were dead,
after I deliver,
your blood will be a river of red"
i no cros u
Diego_Maxmusic Report | 01/02/2010 6:20 pm
thnks for buying
say your friends about my store XD lol
Hitsugaya of squad10 Report | 01/02/2010 6:18 pm
Hitsugaya of squad10
ill be in towns
Hitsugaya of squad10 Report | 01/02/2010 6:13 pm
Hitsugaya of squad10
land shark




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