Stuff you need to know

"I'm not scared of spiders, I just hate them with hysterical panic"-Carmen'sroom


Kuuryuro's avatar

Last Login: 02/01/2012 1:42 am

Registered: 11/07/2006

Gender: Male


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All the stuff I can take off*^_~*

Stuff you needed to know

My eyes change colour.

Squirrels and rabbits and chipmunks *do* make noise...noisy noise.

Sometimes Peanut Butter tastes a little bit like bacon.

Every now and then, journals are a more than just gold-makers and are even a bit entertaining (I like to think mine is).

Snape said he was going to penetrate Harry...he really, really did.**^ ^**

(Just 'cause I was reading Chuck Norris facts, I made one up) Chuck Norris does not shield his eyes from the sun, he shields the sun from his eyes.

Alcohol is like playdo. It looks pretty, and does interesting things...and you can consume it, but you probably shouldn't.(It'll make you sick) :3

"Just so, at the very least, you two know, this is half a lemon; It cannot be washed and reused. Therefore, it does not belong in the sink" >: O

"You didn't hear it from me, 'cause I didn't hear it from who I heard it from"-[PB]Ryan

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More 'bout me

Mmm~ I thought the box below was lacking...and that another box'd be fun^^

So~...ah..I've lived in Japan and the northern US(guess what State : P) I draw...I'll post my stuff 'ventually. I believe in good grammar...though I am prone to odd punctuation and apostrophe over-use (read misuse). I've got a larger fantasy book collection than *all* my local libraries. I love weird bits of my science goggles, or my pale pink leg warmers...giant light blue moon boots, all sorts of hats, found'em-on-the-side-of-the-road pants, mismatched sandals...lotsa' stuff^_~
One day I will be wiry.
Alcohol doesn't appeal to me, but bartending looks fun.
I heart boys who heart boys.
I sometimes read Japanese gay porn in public. (I don't let the kiddies see, don't worry) Its just fun*^ ~*

...I'll think of something better to do with my profile space...some day = =;;

Its what I can think of that's about me

Well...I'm an indecisive yaoi-nut who loves *all* of Japan('specially the food...the BEST) and can, with a dictionary or 3, read Japanese! I love reading(fantansy, slashy fantasy is the best), movies, video games, risk, food, confusing people, math, and...lots of stuff. I'm really shy(in person at least) and I hate it. I'm really laid back,I'll shrug anything off.

So...favorite stuffs off the top of my head

food: Wisconsin Pizza, anything from Japan(udon, okonomiyaki, yakisoba, sashimi, sushi, kakigori, mochi), non-candy sweets

movies: Miyazaki's collection(son included), LotR, Rocky Horror, Snatch, LoveActually, Harry Potter(Snape's the HERO! He'll show you all!)

Music: Gackt, GreenDay, ReliantK, GrooveCoverage, ColdPlay, FranzFerdinand, J-music, Techno, rock, heck-even some classical stuff

Books...naw, authors: Carol Berg, LaruellK.Hamilton, RobertJordan, Flewelling, Lindskold, Briggs, Knight, Weis&Hickman

anime: anything shonen ai+, ClubToDeathAngelDokuro-chan, Samurai7, Hakusho, Konoha's best ;P, Bleach, 3gun, TrinityBlood, I My Me Strawberry Egg...&a whole bunch more


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Hurt Me Bby Report | 01/02/2012 11:04 am
Hurt Me Bby
Thank you for buying.
-Rwar hugs- Report | 06/09/2011 7:10 pm
-Rwar hugs-
can i Trade you 86,998 g for youre Feet of the Black Beast
CooCoo4Puffs Report | 01/30/2011 10:09 pm
thanks for buying :3
larain_bow84 Report | 01/24/2011 2:13 pm
thanks for buying!!!! kool avi btw biggrin
Death with Benefits Report | 12/29/2010 10:15 pm
Death with Benefits
Thank you for buying ^^
Freely_Changing_Spirit Report | 11/26/2010 6:05 pm
Anytime. ^_^ (So do I, that's why they're there. XD)
Freely_Changing_Spirit Report | 11/26/2010 3:10 pm
Thank you for your purchase!
Ruiyn Report | 11/10/2010 12:36 pm
Response time. :] 3 months late but...whatevv.
lol no not in Korea any more, that was in January. xD; I managed to hop onto a computer while I was in Korea for some hours during a stopover before the Philippines.
I just never changed my status + ... that was a fun time. D: I hade Omurice.
Hot fire heart Report | 10/30/2010 8:24 pm
Hot fire heart
really thnx smile and i like anime and i love to cosplay alot smile so how r ya and i c u got some pics to that r nice one piec, itachi off of naruto and a guy pic shaking smile nice pro indeed
Hot fire heart Report | 10/30/2010 8:15 pm
Hot fire heart
yw and nice avi


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Shake that tail :3 Shake, shake, shake it XD

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