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Rawr_The_Monkey's avatar

Last Login: 01/25/2016 6:52 pm

Registered: 12/01/2006

Gender: Female

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"'..... Light the world aflame... Just let me hand you the matches.'"

"A good quote from a romance novel I read."

^_^ "Go here and touch my pokemon! You'll enjoy it!"

I am looking for damns... Could you possibly give one?



"I like Nightmare Before Christmas!"

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"I also like Avatar art!" ^_^


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Indigo Lullaby:

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The EpicSnocone:

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"And I wish to have these things." User Image
Total Value: 514,357 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Gothic Veil heart heart
Prism Butterfly Mantilla
Dark Halo mrgreen
Assassin's Guise heart heart
Masterpieces mrgreen
Oculus Magica mrgreen
Snow Witch :Mrgreen: heart
Black Tribal Bottom Tattoo mrgreen
Shadow Spirit heart

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Total Value: 343,000 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Oculus Mythica mrgreen
Yokai's Treasure mrgreen heart xD
Gift of the Goddess mrgreen
Gift of the Goddess :Heart:
Demonic Anklets
MUltipants mrgreen
Mythrill Armor mrgreen
Black Web Shirt mrgreen
Black Heartbreaker Jacket mrgreen

"Beauty Queen Etna!!!"

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Total Value: 575,710 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Black Goth Boots
Death Whisper (11th gen) mrgreen
Leather Collar with Cross
Black Cobweb Long Gloves
Demonic Anklets
White Leather Belt
Alruna's Rose 7th Gen
Laceback Skirt
Alruna's Rose 4th Gen
Drop Dead Gorgeous Stone Skull Earrings

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Total Value: 1,260,311 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Sparkling Eyes Clown Makeup mrgreen
Rock Hard mrgreen
Oculus Magica mrgreen
Kelp o' th' Loch 4th Gen. mrgreen
Gray Body Dye
Gift of the Gods mrgreen
Ebony Ookami Armor mrgreen
Dark Halo mrgreen
Death Whisper (8th gen) mrgreen
Celebrity Snare Snoop Dogg's Dobermans mrgreen

heart = Donated/Given! ^^
mrgreen = Bought...


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Inherited Nemesis Report | 12/10/2012 7:48 pm
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トビ/ うちはマダラ

~You fear what you don't understand...


ah. if you happen to stumble upon a group let me know, i've only been able to find *sigh* noobs... -/.-;
and i haven't been able to navigate through the forums very well yet. i don't understand the stupid a** categories they put them in now.

...which is why my power alludes you.~

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roku kun!
Inherited Nemesis Report | 12/10/2012 6:14 pm
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トビ/ うちはマダラ

~You fear what you don't understand...


didn't think i'd ever seen you back on gaia nee-sama. owo
how goes things?

...which is why my power alludes you.~

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roku kun!
Missy Eevee Report | 03/24/2011 9:19 am
Happy B-Day Darling! <(^+^)> <3
hope it is filled with joy!
I am Miroku IV Report | 02/27/2011 8:13 pm
Hey there biggrin
Inherited Nemesis Report | 02/18/2011 9:20 am
"Did i miss anything other than the crown of horns on happiness's head?"
Inherited Nemesis Report | 02/18/2011 9:09 am
"...ow" .w.;
"Anyways, i revamped the appearances i'm going to be using for happiness and void. Here's what they'll look like, but they won't necessarily be the same color."

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Inherited Nemesis Report | 02/18/2011 6:36 am
"I didn't even have to, i just ignored it."
Inherited Nemesis Report | 02/17/2011 7:04 pm
"Nope, she still wants me, she's begging me to come back basically." -.-
Inherited Nemesis Report | 02/17/2011 11:35 am
"Yep, she still wants to be friends."
Inherited Nemesis Report | 02/16/2011 8:42 pm
"Ah. Sadness." :<
"Doggy gonna bed now. Eyes hate." *hiss*
*rubs eyes*