Anei Awai

Anei Awai's avatar

Last Login: 04/16/2013 6:47 pm

Registered: 12/04/2006

Gender: Female

Birthday: 10/31/1991


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I love anime especially Naruto
I love the Akatsuki
Deidara's mine just so you know
I am 19
I have a boyfriend named booby cough i mean Bobby
I am in college
... Penn State
Bobby wants twelve kids
I said he can have three
He wants to marry me
I said he needs to quit smoking first
We have names picked out
But not a wedding date
He's my cigar indian...
and i'm his albino mexican
i dont go in the sun often
since i moved here actually
used to swim
and be really tan
but now i glow in the dark
he stands out in the sun for five minutes
and i lose him when he's leaning against some of my furniture
which is dark wood
I have two cats
and a brother
yes the cats come first
my mom pi$$e$ me off constantly
and my dad wants to roast booby on a spit
I cant sleep
I have reports due up the butt
Im almost done with my sophomore year
then summer classes
on the main campus
then more summer classes
then fall semester...
Bobby's in the navy now
and im going to go in the army
and likely never see him again
but its ok i suppose
cause he cheated on me
and treats me like s**t
his family likes me
more than they like him
his mother asked me to marry him
and im wearing a pre engagement ring
its a place holder
for a while
dont know when hes going to ask me to marry him
if he ever does
i dont know what i'll say
he doesnt like me leaving the country
but tough s**t
war is obviously not here
going to fly helicopters
i hope
only one year left of school
still not tired
i'm out
of thoughts
so thats it
for now


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Kousagi Jaganshi Report | 09/12/2011 11:02 am
Kousagi Jaganshi
Thank you for buying.
Whorey Dorey Report | 05/23/2011 3:16 pm
Whorey Dorey
i would like to buy your coco hat wat is the password so i can get it??
Soutaro Report | 04/21/2010 3:24 pm
100k for the perfect tradegy act 4? c=
dik - boo Report | 04/21/2010 1:27 pm
dik - boo
Willing to trade ur Tragedy Act 6 for my Edmund Undies + 30k?
Death-Factory Report | 06/30/2008 5:45 am
ha well my number is 720-6110

call me after 9 though when it is free =]
Death-Factory Report | 06/26/2008 11:20 am
The Steven thing is a long story.

Call me sometime and I will tell you it but...

We are back together again.
Death-Factory Report | 06/20/2008 8:59 am
Lol, hey Sarah.

No Steven and I are no longer dating and it is a very long story.

And a very bad summer...

Are you going to the Tae Kwon Do camp tonight?

You better be!
japangurlangel Report | 05/10/2007 3:41 pm
Hey how are you?!? Visit my profile k?!?!



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Anei Awai

Gotta luv Deidara right?