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Last Login: 07/30/2011 3:48 pm

Registered: 12/12/2006

Gender: Female


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Hi! I'm Jennifer, but please, call me Jenn. I'm eighteen years old, but I've been told by many that I act far beyond my eighteen years. I hold interest in many different things. Music is a big part of who I am. I play piano and flute, and currently I'm in the process of teaching myself the guitar. Cooking and baking are my way of creating my own kind of art. I am never without a camera, photography is a passion of mine, I love taking pictures of anything and everything. I write often to express my feelings, views and opinions on things. I rarely hold back anything. Upon first glance, I'll come across as shy and reserved, but it doesn't take me long to warm up to people though. I come with a quick wit and exceedingly sarcastic attitude. I have some certain ailments, but I do not let them define who I am, or what I want to become. I don't drink, do drugs, and I don't smoke. I believe everything happens for a reason, we'll see. Now, I think its pretty silly to try and sum myself up in a paragraph or two, so talk to me, get to know me. I don't bite, I promise (;


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Auntie Dear Report | 12/06/2009 5:04 pm
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pinkfluffypanda101 Report | 07/12/2009 9:27 pm
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Auntie Dear Report | 07/04/2009 11:17 pm
Auntie Dear Report | 06/02/2009 5:13 pm
I love your outfit xD
DoritoTheLad Report | 05/28/2009 12:35 pm
If you have something beautiful, show it off! xD
DoritoTheLad Report | 05/23/2009 3:30 pm
And you need to change your profile age too! You've been 19 since early December!
Auntie Dear Report | 05/23/2009 2:51 pm
Your goth/lolita now xD
Auntie Dear Report | 05/22/2009 10:47 am
Auntie Dear Report | 05/19/2009 2:48 pm
commenting for golds!
Auntie Dear Report | 05/19/2009 2:46 pm


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Auntie Dear

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