You - as well as Gaia's other fabulous artists of yesteryear - are sorrowfully missed. These new artists (if there are any) can't hold a candle to any of your work.
To Reapersun:
I returned to Gaia as I periodically do. I love your artwork, your work on Case of Pietro (it remains one of my absolute favorite EI's and I ship Thief and Detective hard. It truly felt like a movie and the memories and story, inside jokes and comics associated with it, I really treasure) Thank you for all your wonderful work on the items. Thank you for all your wonderful artwork over the years, I still revisit them, they are amazing. Thank you for your unrepentant shipping over the years, as a person who likes to ship it makes/made the site especially fun and welcoming. Thank you for your wonderful work on the manga, it looks great. I follow some of your artwork on deviant art too. (dw, am 18+). All the best with your art, life and health, your art is great!
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XOXO, Hassli
I returned to Gaia as I periodically do. I love your artwork, your work on Case of Pietro (it remains one of my absolute favorite EI's and I ship Thief and Detective hard. It truly felt like a movie and the memories and story, inside jokes and comics associated with it, I really treasure) Thank you for all your wonderful work on the items. Thank you for all your wonderful artwork over the years, I still revisit them, they are amazing. Thank you for your unrepentant shipping over the years, as a person who likes to ship it makes/made the site especially fun and welcoming. Thank you for your wonderful work on the manga, it looks great. I follow some of your artwork on deviant art too. (dw, am 18+). All the best with your art, life and health, your art is great!