
Name: Jessica Youcannottstalkmenowbitch.

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Birthday: July 28th [Give me Presents!]

Nationality: Canadian//Portuguese [Don't ask me to speak or write in Portuguese cause I don't know squat!]

Status: Single ;A;

Actual Residence: Toronto, Ontario, Canada [Don't ask me to meet up with you, I'll just end up ignoring you.]

Favorite Music: I like a little of everything... I'm a Pansexual when it comes to music. Aww yeah, sexy music ;]

Favorite Videogame: Right now... The Sims 2, or any Mario RPG game.

Favorite Character: Baby Weegie! [Baby Luigi]

Favorite Color: Black // White // Red // Purple

Favorite Anime: I don't have one ATNS*.

Favorite Manga: Girl Saurus and Girl Saurus DX. 'nuff said. Oh and Hands Off! <3 Oh and maybe Ultimate! Hentai Kamen! ... Don't judge me! It's HI-larious

Favorite Movie: I'm totally gay for Disney so... I guess any Disney movie. [Enchanted ATNS*]

Favorite Songs: This would have to be the hardest question FOREVER! It really all depends on what I'm in the mood for. But if I seriously had to choose I think it would be Hey Jude by the Beatles.

Favorite Food: Potatoes and Watermelon... but not together... Hmm.. I wonder if I can make a Potatomelon... I wonder if it would taste good... I doubt it though. ;A;

Favorite Animal: I really don't have one... Though it depends on how I'm feeling...

Favorite Book: My Cassell's Dictionary of Superstition. Because of it I now know that seeing a prostitute first thing in the morning is good for business. ;]

Pet Name: Belle, she's my Shark-Dog... She's a vicious fish eating monster D< Seriously... I'm not lying. Don't go fishing with her. She will attack you and your fishing rod for the fish.

Leader of Fan Club: I wish I had a fan club... I would make them take over the world or purchase a small island in the South Pacific for me so I can rule it with a iron fist covered in spikes biggrin


Leave a message or I will beat you spousal abuse black and blue! D< Just kidding... but not really. Leave a message.

Oh! I have a Youtube account too! http://ca.youtube.com/user/xxSocialRejectxx . Watch my amv's leave comments and rate... or I'll find you D<

Picture Time Now!

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Belle the Dog-Shark in her Lair. Seriously. This is what she does if you leave her alone in a room with blankets.

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Dog-Shark in the water looking for her prey. You can't tell from this picture, but my dog HATES being in the water. I was being kind of a b***h and I pulled her in. I'm pretty sure that picture was taken by my dad.

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The bag I designed to carry what I got at the Breaking Dawn Masquerade. Fun times. I was # 38 to get my book. biggrin

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My epic bookcase of win! Not shown: My D&D Core Rules 3.5, D&D for Dummies, and other stuff that's not important. The D&D things are important, but other things aren't.


*ATNS = At The Nano Second. A acronym me and my friend coined up because I was sick of ATM [At The Moment], because I kept thinking of the ATM back machines.