
I'm Cookie...

I'm a pretty average person, I draw sometimes.
Check out my art shop ¦]


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

The Solarised Night

Report | 12/23/2012 2:13 pm

The Solarised Night

If you're looking for art, come here my friend organised it and I'm helping out. Forums are okay. I've run a few give aways but nothing huge for awhile. I run a writing contest as well and help out in other threads rather than making my own
The Solarised Night

Report | 12/23/2012 2:00 pm

The Solarised Night

Hello again and merry christmas
The Solarised Night

Report | 03/21/2012 3:30 pm

The Solarised Night

It is going alright. I have nearly all of my classes on Mondays then I just go in for a lecture on Wednesday and 3 hrs on Thursday. I had been keeping up really well until I had a tooth removed on the weekend. I was meant to get the essays done this weekend but the painkillers and anti-biotics I was on made me really sick when combined with the epilepsy pills. I had to stay home on monday so I am behind on all the work I had there and I need to apply for an extention on the essays because they are due on Friday and today is Thursday (I only just got well enough to go to uni today)
The Solarised Night

Report | 03/20/2012 11:02 pm

The Solarised Night

Go if you need to; I have essays I am meant to be working on.
The Solarised Night

Report | 03/20/2012 10:49 pm

The Solarised Night

ASHLEY! you are online!
The Solarised Night

Report | 02/25/2012 9:15 pm

The Solarised Night

Oh how very exciting! You're such a busy little bee!
I've been writing a lot. I don't know if you saw on facebook, but I am getting my first publishing in an online magazine in May and June!

Uni starts tomorrow, last week was orientation. It should be a new experience for me!
The Solarised Night

Report | 02/25/2012 9:06 pm

The Solarised Night

Yeah but sometimes beggars can be decent people but just don't know their way around and think it is okay to ask for help in that way. I have made some friends with some of them after a few long chats. The thing is, just because someone is wearing expensive items, doesn't mean that they actually have gold laying around to give. I think it is that combined with my signature which announces my progress on my Custard the kitten quest.
If they expect me to give funds from my own quest, then pfft *blows raspberry* not going to happen. Like I said, I plan to hold a large plushie give away later in the year, and I still help out people I know every now and then, but beggars are something different.

Green tea flavour? That sounds interesting and a little strange. Japanese food FTW though.

I would hide my listed items, but I have too many friends asking about which poses I use so I leave it as is.
The Solarised Night

Report | 02/25/2012 8:38 pm

The Solarised Night

Sorry for the delay. As soon as I replied, Kevin demanded we watch a movie since I did promise razz
How are you doing, Ash?
What is mochi icecream? I was just eating some real fancy icecream called movenpick. It is brilliant. Too bad I am too poor to buy it often xd
People want donations pretty much everytime I put on an outfit worth more than 10mil which is, you know, most of the time.
I don't really run the charity much since I don't get many visitors but I plan to open a carnivale themed plushie giveaway in July/August after I finish my massive quest.
I am questing custard the kitten 50mil! I am crazy but oh well!
I wish the beggars would just leave me alone though. I get a ton of random friend requests, PMs and profile comments about it.
The Solarised Night

Report | 02/25/2012 6:57 pm

The Solarised Night

Mother of god! It's cookie and she is alive!
The Solarised Night

Report | 01/23/2012 11:58 pm

The Solarised Night

your avatar changed! That means you be here lurking!


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