Viewing Mimi_Tortelini's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Hey my name's Mimi.
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Well I'm a Vegetarian... and don't even get me started about why I am... and please don't argue with me about it... because you won't win :]

I have a wonderful boyfriend Dylan (Mr.Dylan)

Boyfriend- a term meaning: a male lover But to me, he's more then that. A boyfriend is someone who you can always trust and confide in; someone who will love you even when the rest of the world hates you; someone who loves you for who you are, even if you're not the prettiest, or the most altheletic, or the smartest. I'm just very lucky I found a boyfriend like that... Dylan <3

And I also have great friends. Here are a few of the girls that are my friends that rock: Taylor, Makayla, Danielle, Sarah, Anna, Haleigh, Kaitlin, Dani, Sassy, Camille, Michelle, Megan, Kim

...and the guys: Dylan, Travis, Tim, William, Shade, Kurtis, Devon, Jorge, Ryan, Robbie, Zach

Dance is a huge part of my life. If I could I'd dance forever. No, I don't do ballet. and No, I don't do jazz. I hiphop... yes I can breakdance, but I'm not quite that far into breakdancing yet. But I do love hiphop dancing. <3

If you want to know more, comment/pm me :]


Viewing 9 of 9 friends


The Pages to Mimi's Life

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For a brief description of me, that's what the About Me is for... but this journal is more in depth. This journal will contain anything and everything. Either with what's happening now, my thoughts on subjects, or maybe just some pictures :]



Viewing 10 of 15 comments.


Report | 10/28/2007 6:32 pm


Hey there, thought i leave ya a comment and all

talk later i guess

Report | 07/22/2007 10:49 pm


any time

Report | 07/21/2007 3:28 pm


I think I looked at a person's profile and clicked on one of the people who commented a couple times. I saw the green ribbon thingy on your profile, so I read what it was about and stuff.

Report | 07/21/2007 4:07 am


Yeah, I have a friend who loves blood. He would just sit there looking at his cuts bleed. I think it's real gross, and I would surmise you do too. But anyway, I figured you didn't hear that alot, and would like someone to tell you that it didn't matter, because it really doesn't. Heh, more for the rest of us User Image

Report | 07/20/2007 5:37 pm


Most people try and tell you that being a vegetarian is stupid... as for me I like meat, but if you think it's wrong, I won't try and change you:

1. You probably won't change anyway because you are already used to not eating it

2. It doesn't really matter anyway. Not like the world will end.

I'm glad you have respect for the living... in alot of cases that isn't true. (Stupid violent FPS video games User Image )

Report | 07/05/2007 1:02 pm


hey!! I didn't know you still got on I haven't been on in forever! Your profile is pretty spiffy User Image...wait so can you use html and all that stuff that you can on myspace??

Report | 06/10/2007 4:58 pm


Thanx for purchasing at my store!

Report | 03/22/2007 7:58 pm


i love you!

Report | 03/19/2007 8:42 pm


hi to you too!

Report | 02/28/2007 8:05 am


go to a town... nwo now now !!!!


-Act 4. Scene 1-
Much Ado About Nothing
"But manhood is melted into curtsies, valor into compliment, and men are only turned into tongue, and trim ones, too."