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Thank you, Anonymous Benefactor(s).

**If I get another ******** random smut RP request, I am going to stab something. If I don't know you, I am not going to roleplay with you. end of story. I don't roleplay anything sexual. I am asexual goddamnit, and if you ask me to roleplay something 18+ rated out of nowhere, you are insta-reported and I'm not messaging you back >:v

I am a lonely, simple little blue dragongirl. I've been on gaia for like... haha 5 years or something, but nowadays I am hardly active at all. Besides that, don't be afraid to talk to me! I love making new friends. If I happen to not be very active on here, you can hit me up on MSN or skype instead after we've talked a little.
I'm pretty much only on here ever to talk to my best friend ever who I love very much. That, or it's me trying fruitlessly to get back into this site, and that mood always pitters out after a few days.
I roleplay casually. You can find me on the forums, pittering around.


Viewing 12 of 32 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Mouse-sized Muse

Report | 06/11/2020 11:57 pm

Mouse-sized Muse

Owned Kitten Tairious

Report | 09/26/2017 10:51 pm

Owned Kitten Tairious

Hey Rupa smile How's it going?
Mr Pyong

Report | 01/28/2014 3:11 pm

Mr Pyong

Stalking you, pay no attention to the Pyong right behind you.
Aquila di Cartagine

Report | 11/07/2012 9:48 pm

Aquila di Cartagine

Nothing wrong with that. So...random, but to keep the conversation ball rolling...what's your fav song atm?
Aquila di Cartagine

Report | 11/02/2012 8:30 pm

Aquila di Cartagine

So! What've you been up to? (If you celebrate it..) how was your holiday?
Aquila di Cartagine

Report | 10/29/2012 1:05 pm

Aquila di Cartagine

Oh ok cool. Yeah you should be golden then
Aquila di Cartagine

Report | 10/25/2012 12:43 pm

Aquila di Cartagine

If you have a Mac then it'll be fine. Don't know about regular PCs thou. E va bene, meno male. I didn't want to have to sit thru 2k worth of lagging flash.
Shmol Bug

Report | 10/25/2012 7:16 am

Shmol Bug

I don't think it was that at all actually, but alas, my mind falls blank and whatever it was has fallen under all the would-be's and forget-me-nots...etc.

Still, charmed to meet you biggrin
Shmol Bug

Report | 10/24/2012 11:01 pm

Shmol Bug

I found you somewhere, and you made a post that made me absolutely fall in love with you, but I cannot for the life of me remember what it was, and its really eating at my nerves. sad
Aquila di Cartagine

Report | 10/24/2012 9:00 pm

Aquila di Cartagine

should be a bit cheaper on PC...
question: you have this event's achievement. did you get it by 1k kills and heals, or is it your added total of both?


Blue dragongirl with a heart of gold.
May eat you if she likes you too much.
My city, click it so it can grow