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The Little Mermaid 2 - For a Moment this song is really like me for some reason i just connect with it

FUNNY!!!~! its the water cycle and its funny but hey if u read my about me then u will kno im weird

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i bruise easily

at the beginning

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stay by sugarland - just listen it may relate to ur guy/girl problems

animals by nickelback...............who could not love this song it relates to all perverts and people who thinks its funny

brother my brother, means alot to people like me in some way. since i think of my friends as my family my guys friends are my brothers. i hardly had a brother even though i do have one. this song means alot to me because it speaks the truth about brothers caring for eachother even if they fight and its just a great song to look up to.

this is far away by nickelback and i love this song so much cuz it means alot to me (i chose this video cuz it has my favorite song and my favorite show in it) if any body has lost someone they care about play this song it might help and if it doesnt then i am so sorry, and if u ever need help with any thing or needed someone to talk to message me u wont regret it

all about us, i think is a song that relates to all couples. its just u 2 no one else and no one else matters as all as u have each other. i can relate because i dont care how people think of my relationship because they dont count and they dont matter, its how u feel about each other and thats what counts the most in my book.

inuyasha - Everything You Want. this to me i think shows that maybe some guys aint the same and that there are some ones that will help u out and care for u as much as u care for them.

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StrawberryPanic - Everytime we touch. i picked this song to show everyone because its a good song and i think u can play it for someone u love and they might find out how u feel and if the reason u love them is true but it can be sad if u lose someone and u hear this song play it and u cry but it will make u feel better in the end.

1000 words (i love this song. u can miss a person and u can cry about it but if there is anything u want to say to that person say weither its 10 words or 1000 words say it u dont know what will happen until u do)

loves me not, some girls my think that their crush dont like them and thats why i put this song on here is because either we dout that our guys love us or the guy we have a crush on dont like u that much, this song is here to prove that if u dont talk and if u dont make a move then u will get crushed ur self.

my sister (this song can mean alot to sisters but it means alot to me because i have so many it is not funny, well just to name a few i have now off the computer there is nina, ashley, kayla, and my blood sister christina, then there is on line dancer kelli lolita twintail and so many more, i hope this song can mean alot to ur sisters as much as it means to me)


what some need to know about me

there are some things a lot of people dont know about me and i am glad. but here is what u do need to know about me is that i can be alittle emotional about things. alot of people at my school think im emo and thats fine i dont give a crap. i love the color black and navy blue and blood red. i love blood, to me it tastes great. i am a very dark person sometimes and i can be scary when i am pissed but thats it. other then my life of drama and depression i am a happy girl and easy to make laugh. just dont dare me to do something because i love dares and i know someone who should know that one...............oh and i love vampires, if 1 of my friends got a cut and was bleeding i would drink it.
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when some one looks at me at school i already know what they are thinking about me, she a b***h or she needs a life, or my favorite whats with her she is always depressed and looking at the ground is she a f** or something? well im tired of that. i say screw them all becuz i got my friends and thats all that matters to me............who really knows me anyway? to be honest no one knows me, not the real me the true me. the one that is locked up and aint ever coming out for her safety.........
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i love dogs, foxes, wolves, big cats.
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i use to say that my friends are family, and i would never give that up. but things have changed and the only friends i have now are the friends i got on gaia. i dont have any other friends outside of gaia now after the things that have happened over the summer. i aint going to give these friends i have here up for anything in the world

well thats all u need to know...............for now that is =^.^=
~bandit, ginger, kiki, kitsune, lolly, allie~ all my nicknames

there are a lot of things i am also scared about at the moment and as of right now this is a real first for me

******** u right back

words i cant say

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because u loved me is a song that i think can help a relationship if it is about to come apart. there are so many things that can help a relationship but if there is any one that needs a relationship to become stronger just play this song and it will go. say something sweet to him/her, talk about what matters and do something about ur problems. if this song dont help then ur relationship wasnt meant to be but try this song out and then tell him/her how much they mean to u. but like i said because u loved me is a great song to help out.

journey to the past is a song that i think can relate to people who dont know who they really are and that they want to find out, a lot of people feel lost some times and friends are there to help them out no matter where they are and who they are or how they act like. stand by their side and take a journey to their past to understand them better.

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i stand alone - i am working on this

Kairi-Im a b***h Im a Lover. (to me this song represents my friends and i because we can be bitchs to everyone and we can be lovers to our boyfriends and friends, there is some points to this song that prove that girls aint the same and guys cant control us no matter how hard they try, all they do if they fight with us is guys just get crashed and burned, because they lose a good thing if they say the wrong word.)


View All Comments

twintailedsilverfox Report | 08/11/2010 7:20 pm
I'm rather amused by yours myself. I think mine is boring, like the one controlling it. razz But, thanks though.
3rd_degreeblackbelt Report | 01/22/2010 5:55 am
hey babe its me again, It sucks that you have been sick lately. I hope you get better soon because I really hate to see you in pain
Funky Chicken91 Report | 12/25/2009 12:40 pm
Funky Chicken91
Merry Christmas!!! biggrin
3rd_degreeblackbelt Report | 11/18/2009 10:55 am
hey babe, just me wanting to comment for a change lol. I'm glad you hurt logan he deserved it for what he did, Now I just want a turn
3rd_degreeblackbelt Report | 11/11/2009 5:32 pm
Hey baby, I just dropped you off at your house and I miss you already!! Oh by the way, my mom said thanks for the idea (taking a bath) lol! I hope you sleep well tonight baby!!
daniel pratt Report | 04/04/2009 12:22 pm
daniel pratt
JPV09 Report | 02/09/2009 3:58 pm
Send this comment on ten profiles then press f5 to get 100,000 gold
JasonAkademia Report | 12/12/2008 7:00 pm
yeah im so sorry >.< well thats good User Image
JasonAkademia Report | 12/12/2008 1:09 pm
orry >.< ive been good how about you???
King Kefka Report | 12/04/2008 9:14 am
King Kefka
Dark Secrets 255

my favorite pictures

please read this it tells alot about me in 1 way so

hiya, eat my flame. (im crazy)

hey, feel my wrath. (im a weird perv)

our family.

we love our family!!

hi, i love to dance (im very special)

heya, what to know something? (im hyper)

hey, im really cool (and weird)

guys are stupid

yeah but what else can we do with them?