Hi there! I'm a lurker - occasionally I'll pop up, but in general, I don't take the time to do much posting. I'm actually not sure why you'd be visiting my profile, unless it's to access my wishlist after wanting to offer me a trade for something.I.. should probably clean up my wishlist..
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gaia_nitemareleft emotion_bigheart gaia_nitemareright
ah np, i loved it!!
Ahaha, a bit, but it's alright. xd emotion_sweatdrop
[It was fine to comment on my profile. >ww<; ]
Thank you! you're so sweet. heart whee
^( ;,,,,; )^
Oh gosh, oh no. [Someone went through my past entries...] ∑(゚ロ゚〃)
..T-thank you.. (つω⊂;; ) ...<3
--AH! You're welcome! heart
^( ;,,,,; )^