
I'm not one to talk about myself much, but if you're interested here are a couple things about me.

I joined Gaia in 2004 and have since had phases of complete addiction and having no interest whatsoever. Since the real world takes up most of my time I don't frequent Gaia as much as I used to, but if I feel in the mood I'll pop in every now and again to change my avatar or see what's new[ish].

I was a site moderator from April 2006 to February 2007. Although a short period of time, I learned so much and do not regret the experience. Having had such a hand in contributing towards a better community is humbling.

I embrace creativity in different realms. My emphasis is mostly in art, but I also enjoy writing, loom knitting, reading, and playing music, even if dismally.

I have love for Zelda, panda bears, Pokemon, dogs, stout beer, art, writing, handmade gifts, wonderful people, and good comfort food.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

C h i k a r i B e a n

Report | 02/25/2020 11:47 pm

C h i k a r i B e a n

Sweet avi and profile.
Lindsey Stirling is crazy talented. emotion_bigheart

Report | 11/18/2018 7:52 pm



Report | 03/12/2017 7:34 pm


Happy Birthday!
Robojack corner

Report | 11/28/2014 4:04 pm

Robojack corner

Thanks for buying!

Report | 08/23/2014 5:54 pm


Huzzah for us xd heart

I do remember you being a mod too.

capatcha - get well.... what are they trying to tell us
phantom Dark102

Report | 08/21/2014 12:04 am

phantom Dark102

Thanks for buying! and om Triforce!!! I love your profile!!!! soooo awesome teehee
User Image

Report | 08/20/2014 11:17 pm


Well, howdy there! Life is good - hope it's swell on your end, too.

Report | 09/29/2013 7:23 pm


Same here! I always had them as a child, they're one of my favorite critters! So cute, noisy and endearingly dumb. emotion_bigheart That's a really well done pet too, it's pretty realistic. And hey, thanks!!!

Report | 09/29/2013 7:12 pm


guinea pig! 4laugh

Report | 09/01/2013 10:04 pm


Oh yes! It's heart-wrenchingly beautiful!! I don't want to read it and yet at the same time I don't want to put it down! whee

Irony? The captcha is "by the book"