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Alzernen Jinxus, Master of the Lost arts

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Kade Gabriel, Angel of Death

Krae Haralu

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So I feel like this little description didnt fit me anymore and i figured i should change it. So what am i like now. still batman. little more tolerant to the disturbing, distilled if you will. Feel a lot dumber, but in a good way. Like i said, distilled to how the world works. Im finally willing to accept im lazy, almost to the extent of ruining my life. I spend too much of my time on the computer, but im working on hanging out with my friends. I chill with jesus a lot, but ive been doing that for half a decade now, so its nothing special. Something else... i play video games when i feel like it. less often now than before. I ask a lot of pointless questions. maybe im feigning wisdom or intelligence, maybe im curious about the explained. Who knows? i sure dont. anyway if you had to meet me i hope its when im in a playful mood. ill walk around the place finding something to laugh at. i try not to be hurtful, and if i am its in good fun, sometimes sarcastic spite. More than anything im inappropriate i guess. ive been called bipolar, but thats probably just when im too excited to stay in one mood. i want to say crazy to sound more interesting, but that doesnt mean a lot anymore. words like crazy and random have become so cliche they seem more normal than normal, so im not crazy. Just excitable. So really if youre even reading this you wanna know who i am. My username doesnt do me justice. Im just another god damn teenager, like most of you. and just like you, im nothing special. Might as well say im from Texas, now im in the southeast. Im not some redneck or hillbilly or any kinda hick. Going to college soon. most of my friends are going somehwere else, so ill be going alone into new territory. im a little intimidated, but on the other hand, it sounds like fun. Done with school. Graduated. Time to leave my mark.
my characteristics are like this
-rock and alternative rock
-video games
-I love Reese's candy with a passion
-Idiocy. its the spice of life
-being sarcastically, and usually unnecesarily smug
-people who cant work well in a team
-people who hate batman
-people who brag about being random or crazy or unique and quirky.
-people who dont high five when prompted

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lll Shiny lll Report | 12/01/2010 8:31 am
lll Shiny lll
lll Shiny lll Report | 10/24/2010 1:33 am
lll Shiny lll
i miss you krae
lll Shiny lll Report | 08/11/2010 1:04 pm
lll Shiny lll
You do realize that I am just going to bug you until you say something, right?
lll Shiny lll Report | 07/28/2010 12:23 pm
lll Shiny lll
Psst, Krae! Are you alive?
lll Shiny lll Report | 06/22/2010 11:06 am
lll Shiny lll
lll Shiny lll Report | 05/09/2010 3:14 pm
lll Shiny lll
Kraes growing up so fast :'D
So you are almost out of school and looking for a college?
evermore bloom Report | 04/27/2010 3:37 pm
evermore bloom

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This is a random comment.
Hope you enjoy.
la petite mignonne Report | 04/26/2010 3:29 pm
la petite mignonne
Krae I haven't talked to you in like a year haha. I recently went to disneyland for the first time - It's so much fun! Have you been there? if not, Make sure you go on Indiana Jones, Space Mountain, the Haunted Mansion, and Pirates of the Caribbean. :3 Indiana Jones is definitely a must though. Go on it! DO EEEET! bwa.
Aveyia Report | 04/16/2010 5:26 pm
Thank you for buying.
King Bradford Report | 03/15/2010 8:44 pm
King Bradford
Krae you are a true intellectual


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Diga's Desire

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As he looks at humanity's struggle to survive, he only feels hatred for them and their ignorance. He looks in awe of the joy in life, and wishes them to suffer the way he has. the Void God shall soon descend upon our pitiful world. May the gods bless Ehlrin in its final hour.

The Bond of Faith

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Krae Haralu is a man who follows his gut. He is a trusting person, but his intuition always seems to tell him the right way about others purity and heart. Born in the small village of Arcua, Krae lived for 8 years with his parents, Saegrith Haralu and Meerula Haralu. At the age of nine he was admitted into the Aythria Academy for the gifted in Jydin. His professors saw a great deal of potential in him, but he felt there was something more important than his studies, and his education left to suffer. Krae struggled in all his classes, save elemental manipulation, weapon mastery, and philosophy. Through his lessons at Aythria, Krae eventually developed his own, crude sword style. The style actually suited him, and he became an unofficial champion of one of the schools gang, the shadow meteor. Soon however, he became known as a bully, so he dropped out from the group, and just began waiting around school, trying to be like a hall monitor within the school. Late in the year, the school held its multi-combat competition, a competition where each different elemental branch of the school, as well as those from several other schools would create a team of their best fighters to battle in a nonlethal challenge. That year, a girl krae actually had a crush on had competed, and her team made it to the finals and won the entire competition. Krae, feeling that he missed an important opportunity, stood up within the audience, and challenged the girl to a fight, not for championship, but just for the sake of fighting. Krae, for interrupting an important ceremony, was being forced out of the competition, when the girl accepted his challenge. The two had an intense fight, said to be one of the best the academy had ever seen. In the end, they both held each other in a victory position, and they declared a tie. krae claimed to have never lost another battle. Two years after the study, Krae had been watching the girl somewhat like a stalker as they grew within the school. One day, Krae and his archaeology class attended a field trip to a newly uncovered ruin near the mountains of the area. During the trip he fell into a sealed chamber containing a lone statue of a demon with a sword in its back. Krae called for help, but soon felt compelled to remove the ominous blade from the statue's back. When he did, the demon spirit that had been sealed inside the statue was released into Krae. Soon after the academy was destroyed by a mysterious wolf-like demon with a scar on its back. Confused and scared, Krae returned to his home with his parents, but he only had a year before another disaster followed him. Once again the wolf-like demon appeared and completely decimated Krae's home and his family. When Krae learned of this, he ran to his father for guidance, but instead saw Saegrith in his dying hour. Saegrith's last words to Krae were, "find the amulet to undo the curse..." Five years later, Krae is living the life of a wanderer and a hero, burdened by a curse he fears will consume him. He's trying to find a way to remove the demon from his soul, and find this amulet his dad spoke of. Krae's first companion and greatest strength is the sword from the hidden chamber, Thyrue, also known as the blade of the savior's blood. Krae is the Messiah of shadows, and a very fierce warrior.

The Will of Freedom

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Drei Aeolis has lived a strange past. Though the origin of his birth is a mystery to most, Drei was raised as a memeber of the royal family of Aerudia, the mightiest kingdom of the wind element. However, Drei felt like he didn't belong in his royal position, and he fled Aerudia when he was 8. However, the Aerudian royal guard chased after him. Drei was eventually chased into a cave in the side of a mountain. Drei thought he had lost his followers. He began to explore the cave to make sure there werent any other things living in there. Soon he found himself standing in front of a large altar with a majestic katana resting on its hearth. Drei thought he would leave it there, when he heard the guards going into the cave. Hastily and without much thouhgt, Drei grabbed the sword and prepared himself to fight off the guards. One of the guards ran towards drei, but in a moment it seemed as though a gaping hole was made in the guard's chest. Another guard charged at him but almost immediately had his head sliced off. The third guard ran away, and Drei feeling both accomplished for his victory, and afraid for his slaughter. Looked behind him and saw an ominous mighty demon standing behind him smiling maliciously. After a week, he returned to Aerudia, but kept the demon and sword a secret.He is the Messiah of wind and a man who has a thorough understanding of right from wrong. Driven by his competitive nature and heroic ideals, drei has become a righteous hero. He roams free from town to town living off of what he can get by himself. In his journey to find a purpose and retain his freedom, Drei visited a small inn near the town of Jydin, there he got into a fight with another swordsman.

The Hope of Purity

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Aurin Merhorren is the daughter of Arrex Merhorren, one of the most powerful men in the shipping and transport industry. Born and raised in her youth at Kiothe, the Temple Harbor, Aurin always had gift for her manipulation of water, and was quickly sent off to the Aythria Academy for the gifted when she turned nine. There she first met Krae. She seemed to admire quite him a bit,for his heroic efforts to protect his classmates, but she disliked his recklessness. Aurin quickly accended through the ranks of the academy and became one of the most prodigious students ever to attend at the school, having graduated in a mere five years. In a sense Krae and she became rivals, even though Aurin was the star of the school, and Krae was the renegade. After graduating from Aythria, Aurin returned to her home of Kiothe and helped her father manage his shipping business. After a year of working with her father, Aurin returned to the academy for a week. During that time, the academy was completely anihilated by a mysterious force. Aurin was one of the few survivors, and the only one who saw where the demon had come from. Aurin is the Messiah of Water and has always searched for a solution to conflicts without fighting. Still, if she is pushed, she will use her family's treasured spear to defend her friends and relatives. About six years after the incident at the academy, a great monument erupted from the sea right outside of Kiothe's harbor. Aurin saw this and decided she would check it out. Only a few days afterward did the Archbishop of water, Airrek, travel to Kiothe to investigate the phenomenon, bringing with him a strange new acquaintance

The Sanctity of Knowledge

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Likairo Vosa. A name kept hidden by the secret police of Barrig. A criminal who has murdered dozens to achieve his ends. Born in the nearby town of Creth, Likairo was raised by his father, Githen Vosa, a kingpin of Barrigs undreground drug system. When Likairo was nine, several thugs sent by another King, Arkorus, killed Githen and kidnapped Likairo's mother, Esiel. Likairo ran away from his home, and was eventually adopted by a clan of monks in Barriga Mountains. He spent 12 years training, fighting, and honing his will in order to return to Barrig and avenge his family, and hopefully find his mom. However, upon his return to his home, he found that it was completely destroyed, even his fathers grave. Likairo then traveled to Barrig expecting to avenge his family, but he was nearly eliminated once again by Barring's guards. When he nearly lost hope, he met an old man named Harrag who shared his views of Barrig's crime. They became partners to try to stop to system. Likairo was the soldier who fought in the city as a vigilante, and Harrag was the supplier, who made special weapons and tools to aid Likairo in his fights.Likairo is the Messiah of lightning, and is a very cunning, calculative person. Against the rumors, Liakairo has not yet killed a single person, but the Barrig drug circle spread the rumor in order to make him the enemy. He was eventually captured and was scheduled for execution on the spring of the next year. Then a strange hooded man with an elegant blade wandered into town.

The Curse of Love

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If you are given the name Kiergen, myth says that you'll be blessed with the love of many, yet your life will be filled with misfortune till you find a love of your own. Kiergen, the Messiah of earth, and son of Ullisor Galma and Sheern Galma has been given this curse. He knew what his name meant, and though he never showed it, he hated his parents for naming him that, his homes for trapping him within their misfortune, and the slave-masters, for taking his friends from him. He has seen death sprouting from the slave labor, but was raised to think it was normal life.. Life that he hated. What kept him alive, however, was the one person who showed him life's value. the one person who still saw beauty that existed in a slave's life. Burria Ciorka, his grandmother. She was always happy it seemed, and never felt hatred or dislike for anyone. Kiergen admired her, and hoped that he could feel that way. always at peace. always happy. but his lifestyle made him suffer, made him cry. He lost all his happiness the day he figured out he did not want to be a slave, but that was the life he was given, and he never fought back. till the day his grandma died. On kiergen's eighth birthday, Burria passed out in the fields,and died later that day. Kiergen was there with her, and felt it was his fault, like the salve-masters had always told him. "the mistake is of the salve, not the master, atone for your sins or be punished." they told him, and kiergen thought this was true. everything was his fault, and now his grandmother was dead. Kiergen, though held as a salve durign waking hours, spent endless nights working on an urn for his grandmother, and finished it within a month. He secretly held Burria's cremation with a few of his friends, and had the urn close to him since that time. Till one day, when kiergen was bathing in what little water the slaves were spared, Kiergen returned to where he left the urn to find it had gone missing! Kiergen searched around frantically for the few days he spent there, but found it nowhere. He soon found himself lost collapsed on a tree stump in the woods, falling apart. A traveler had been walking through the area at the time, and noticed keirgen in his time of weakness. the stranger sat down beside him and asked what was so upsetting.

The Strength of Passion

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Raluis Grega was born in the large town of Reginrol. His father, Valti Grega, was the owner of the towns coliseum. Reginrol was famous for the sports and fights that took place there. At the beginning of the year, the owner would fight with whoever he felt would be a worthy challenger and a competent caretaker of the monument. If the owner lost in the battle, then the coliseum passed on to the winner for a year. However, Valti had never lost for his 27 years of owning the coliseum. As the owner and champion of the coliseum, he earned the title Hellfire King. Valti trained his son, Raluis, in the art of fighting when he turned 12, but before he had mastered his family's combat style, several men who had fought Valti years before burned down the coliseum and took his fathers life. Raluis saw all this, and in his rage for his father's death, his element ignited into a great fire. He managed to kill the three men responsible, but he also completely annihilated the coliseum. After seeing what he had done, he tried to stop the fire himself before it took down the town, but although he absorbed some of it, he soon became engulfed by his own flames. After that nightmarish experience, Raluis vowed never to use his fire again. He went to a dojo to contain his emotions and control his spirit. Instead, he lost sight of his goal and learned how to truly control, maintain, and ultimately fight using his fire. Raluis is the messiah of fire and will put his entire will and soul into whatever he does. He is not easily swayed by others and gives trust only to those he feels worthy. He returned to Reginrol after nine years of training.However, upon his return he soon found his fathers grave, and remembered the vow he made to himself and his father. Once again his anger took over him and his fire became a swirling inferno. The next day, Raluis made preparations to run away from his family, his home, and his past, when he bumped into a swordsman with a beautiful sword.

The Innocence of Trust

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Sylree Forryt is the last surviving memeber of the Glacial Aurora Royal family. Her half brother, Vorta Forryt, is related to her only by their father, but he is still the prince of the Glacial Aurora dominion. Sylree was raised within her family to be a princess and was never formally taught how to fight. However, her caretaker, Miss Ori, saw that she was frail and vulnerable, and she secretly taught Sylree the art of combat at a young age. Sylree still disapproved of fighting, and had her lessons revoked within weeks. Sylree is the messiah of ice, and a very shy, yet trusting person. She is unsure of her ability to take command or help others, and usually ends up standing under someone's shadow. As she grew of age, Sylree soon became the leader of her country and home, but she felt she was not ready, and fell into a shameful depression of her own. Unfortunately, she was eventually forced into leadership at the young age of 16 after her father died. Vorta saw that she couldnt handle the task alone, and stood by her side in her rule for 4 years. However, as the quality of their home continued to diminish, Vorta became more concerned with the Dominions status than her own sisters confidence. He soon convinced Sylree to give him control of all diplomatic issues while she could recover. During his sole rule, Vorta discovered a hidden secret of the royal family, the Aurora Dust. He began making preparations immediately to harness the power of the dust to make the Glacial Aurora army unstoppable, however he needed her sisters assistance. Sylree once again was given reign over her kingdom, but she was still unprepared, Vorta took advantage of this and told Sylree that he was going to save their home from collapse. Sylree agreed to do whatever she could to help. Yet she didn't know that her help would ultimately lead to the end of the royal family, and the dominion. The aurora dust would ultimately become a disease that would kill her. A stranger would become the vaccine that would save her.

The Righteousness of Duty

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Hijeero Wiera is the golden member of the Everlasting Dawn society, a clan dedicated to protecting the denizens of Ehlrin. Hijeero was born into a lower family of the order, but the priests all saw great potential in him and even saw the eventual future life he would follow. He and his family rose in the ranks of the order. They were all given the Mark of dawn, a tattoo that would allow them to always find each other and any other memeber of the sociey. Hijeero is the Messiah of light, and an incredibly chivalrous, righteous person, who will risk his life for those he cares for and for the innocent. He follows all rules of behavior and morals, and looks down on anyone who doesnt. This includes his little sister, Jali Wiera. She saw the strictness of the Everlasting Dawn order and ran away when she felt independent enough. Hijeero soon felt his mark burn and looked to find Jali. After learning she left, Hijeero chased after her to bring her back to the Everlasting Dawn. After several weeks of pursuit, Hijeero caught up with Jali in the light capital of Norritu. He found Jali in the hospital. She owund up there after trying to save a new friend of hers from some thugs. Her left leg was broken and she had three bruised ribs. Hijeero asked her how she found her way to the hospital in such a condition. Jali said she was told by the nurses that a wandering swordsman had brought her in. After her wounds healed enough, Hijeero tried taking her out of the city and back to the Everlasting Dawn, but Jali struggled and escaped his grasp once again. Hijeero began asking around town for her, when he came upon Jali and a strange man sitting together at a table. As Hijeero once again tried to force Jali to return home with him, the stranger stood up and asked him to leave.

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