
Arkann's avatar

Registered: 06/13/2007

Gender: Male

Location: Corner of 'No' and 'Where'

Birthday: 05/05/1986

Occupation: Inventor / Vampire Hunter


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Hello! Yes, that's my actual age over there. Shut up.

As one who loves to role play, I think it should be fitting that my Avatar have his own bio:

*Arkann was born only a half werewolf, as his mother just couldn't bring herself to turn her husband into a fellow fuzz-ball. His father, prior to his marriage, was a traveling minister who carried a wide variety of necessities in a large compartmentalized cross on his back. And so he was raised by this loving, yet very unorthodox, couple. Yes, his parents are still alive and together, boring but true.

Arkann has always been an inventor first and a fighter second. He became a vampire hunter not by initial choice, but as a reaction to the coincidental role they have come to play throughout his life-- possibly due to horrendously bad luck. He's more of a bounty hunter than an assassin, as he usually has the intent to bring his quarry in alive (emphasis on intent). Not that he hates vampires, they just make a bad habit of being evil on some level that adversely affects him somehow; So, he decided he might as well profit along the way.

His unusual lifestyle would not be complete without an exceptionally eclectic group of friends and acquaintances, including; An assassin vampire, a fiery djinn living in a tea- sugar bowl, a cynical 'magical girl' gone bad, a dryad that doesn't always fit what the Greeks say of her kind, a statue given life through magical armor (or is it a suite of armor kept alive by the statue..? Arkann can't remember), and the legendary shape-shifting business-lady from City Below (Thank you, Neil Gaiman)... to name a scant few.

In any story he's a perfect side character but lacks the motivation and conflict found in most protagonists. His fiery energy is often expressed through his goofy thrill-seeker attitude. Innocent kindness mixed with overly zealous bravado make his personality decidedly neutral but difficult to relate with at times.

For more excerpts of Arkann's unusual life, refer to the journal entries to the right. There is no over arching story yet, but it does give glimpses of my avatar's little world.

With Style!

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View All Comments

FFFan20022003 Report | 07/18/2009 3:10 pm
indeed whats up? biggrin
Mousel Report | 04/14/2009 12:41 am
I love you!
thesonic97 Report | 03/07/2009 7:14 am
Couture Debonair Report | 12/23/2008 12:31 pm
Couture Debonair
Aye! No, Thank you for selling. <3

It is a gift for someone.
Princessah Report | 12/03/2008 12:25 am
No problem. I needed help too. User Image
R-e-d _ C a r e s s Report | 12/02/2008 4:56 pm
R-e-d _ C a r e s s
Heh, thanks. I like my profile too. ::grins::

Hope the hunting went okay.
DJ1909 Report | 11/26/2008 8:56 am
FFFan20022003 Report | 11/24/2008 7:00 pm
thanks. User Image i'll have more up on that story as it is being written right now, thats just a teaser, the real thing will come soon. User Image
FFFan20022003 Report | 11/12/2008 10:57 pm
sup. User Image
wolfkat77 Report | 11/10/2008 10:33 am
brother get on ZOMG AND I WILL JOIN


Don' meshhh wit' me *hic* I been drinkin' wit' SHHHHKELETONS!!!


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Stories of a Half Lycanthrope

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The Tales of Arkann

If it's not evident enough by the title, this is an unsorted assortment of the mishaps, accidents, blunders, tragedies, woes, conflicts, struggles, pains, forwards*, enterprises, comedic antics, and any other integral ingredients to Arkann's life.

The Cure and The Source

As some of you may know, I happened upon 2007's halloween Vampire page and spent an embarrassing 6 hours as one of the blood-sucking creatures that Arkann hunts. I thought this event page had been deleted until then, so you can imagine my surprise to find that people can still alternate this part of their character.

As a Vampire Hunter, it would seem only natural that I provide a link to the cure for vampiricy, to save those from an irreversible existence. My REAL reasoning, however, is this: Arkann needs work! Without vampires, my avatar persona has little in the way of fictitious income and when a computer glitch prevents me from touching the gaia house, you can see what a meager life he has living out of his car. So, by all means, use this link to become an evil soul-less child of the night, so that I can hunt you down and bring home the proverbial Bacon.
Anders Ganders

You are SUCH a dork.



That's not a very *honorable* reason, you know!

*- It's when you go with no set destination or direction physically and allow your mind to do the same in thought. To follow one's internal compass. It can be pretty interesting alone or with friends.

Wow... you weren't kidding about the car...