
There's a lot of pain in this world. The people who sit and watch pain, are just as guilty as those who cause it. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't, but that pain lasts forever. Maybe one day we will talk it over, now that we're more mature...

All of us failed to match our dreams of perfection. So I rate us on the basis of our splendid failure to do the impossible.
~William Faulkner


Viewing 12 of 24 friends


Journal of an Elvish Assassin

Listen carefully...

I'm never seen, and rarely heard, but I'll make an exception...



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 06/08/2013 7:14 pm


I dunno...lol. I kinda see it then know what I want..... heart but maybe we should hang out sometime and Ill bring over my computer! and cupcakes blaugh

Report | 05/23/2013 10:24 am


Thank ya! I know i wish it was more, But slowly and surly I am getting more items in my inventory to make more and better outfits!
simple can be cute sometimes though!!!!! heart you tons xp

Report | 12/22/2012 9:30 pm


Ahaha, it's alright! Thanks >w<

Report | 10/01/2012 9:53 pm


What's up? I love ur avi and ur profile. biggrin

Report | 06/25/2011 11:56 pm


Halona Illusion

Report | 12/03/2010 9:57 am

Halona Illusion

Well, if it helps any, I'm thinkin' up a webcomic. I haven't quit, it's just not my major. Though, it'll prolly be forever until I actually post my webcomic. Still working on thumbnails and script atm. xD;;

Also FINALS. FFFFF, FINALS. Worrying about that too. :<
Halona Illusion

Report | 11/21/2010 8:33 pm

Halona Illusion

Meh. I hate writing essays, I didn't sign up for an Art class and am regretting it, and I think I might be coming down with something. Same old, same old.

Also, rewatching old Disney movies. Little Mermaid is flippin awesome, ya know.
Halona Illusion

Report | 11/20/2010 6:59 pm

Halona Illusion

You could alway email her through her Amazon account, I guess. If you do get a hold of her, tell her I said 'Hallo' mmkay? :{D
Halona Illusion

Report | 11/20/2010 6:52 pm

Halona Illusion

Maybe it was because there was so much communication between us. And that we actually finished it.

Yeah, actually finishing an RP is a big deal. Yup. Especially on Gaia. It's a bit sad to think of going into an RP knowing it'll never finish. :/
Halona Illusion

Report | 11/20/2010 6:45 pm

Halona Illusion

I think she's self-published a book. It's in her signature. Other than that, I haven't heard a thing. :>

Ha ha, I'm actually really embarrassed by how I wrote! It's so bad sometimes. I'm an English Major now, so maybe that's why...? xD


[i:d0fe9d4fa1]If music is the soul of life, and nature it's substance and truth, then what more is a girl to do than throw on her headphones and watch the sun rise?[/color:d0fe9d4fa1][/i:d0fe9d4fa1][/size:d0fe9d4fa1]