My Songs

Hi there, I’m Tiana or MyEccentricSelf, and it seems as if you have just stumbled upon my profile. Anyway, I suppose I should tell you a little about myself since you’re here already. I might put some things in a list because it’s easier, like favorites or something, but that’ll come later.
Obviously, my name is Tiana, but you can call me Ti, or Eccentric. I’m a twenty-two year old female who is on gaia mainly for text based roleplaying. I consider myself a semi-literate to literate roleplayer, and I am always looking to hone my skills for that. My search and sample threads are linked in my signature…which, should be beside this box, to the right if you’re interested. I have been on Gaia for nine years, I started late in eighth grade and have continued on here until now.
Um…I enjoy writing things, like fan-fictions or even stuff of my own creation. I had a quizilla account, but I quit that and am slowly moving to, but I don’t know if I will continue to post my writings or not, mostly because 1. I’m pretty lazy with having to write each chapter separately to post onto and 2. I am at the point where I want to move away from fan-fictions and write stuff that I created…and lately I just haven’t had the inspiration for that sort of thing. I am also trying to teach myself html coding and stuff like that, I know the basics right now, but that’s about it for my knowledge of the coding and stuff.
I absolutely love music. I don’t do anything without it as background noise. I suppose I can use a list now to tell you my favorite bands. So, some of m favorite bands are:
MyEccentricSelfxoxoxo✫Fall Out Boy
MyEccentricSelfxoxoxo✫Kings of Leon
MyEccentricSelfxoxoxo✫Journey (the original with Steve Perry)
MyEccentricSelfxoxoxo✫The Downtown Fiction
MyEccentricSelfxoxoxo✫Motion City Soundtrack
MyEccentricSelfxoxoxo✫Cute is What We Aim For
MyEccentricSelfxoxoxo✫A Rocket to the Moon
MyEccentricSelfxoxoxo✫A Day To Remember
MyEccentricSelfxoxoxo✫Mumford & Sons
MyEccentricSelfxoxoxo✫And many more…
Music and writing are my two favorite ways of expressing myself, and it is easier for me to express myself in these ways than for me to actually talk to you about myself…I don’t know, I suppose I can say I think when I write and listen to music as opposed to when I’m talking. >.>; That sounds strange I guess, but it works. I always tell people that if Ghetto blasters were still popular, I would be walking around with one that played music that matched my moods, truthfully, I would do this even if they weren’t popular, I would just need to find one.
So, obviously I write, but do I read? The answer to this question is yes. I do read, quite a bit actually. My favorite books/series are:
MyEccentricSelfxoxoxo✫Harry Potter
MyEccentricSelfxoxoxo✫The Inheritance Cycle
MyEccentricSelfxoxoxo✫The Twilight Sage
MyEccentricSelfxoxoxo✫Percy Jackson and the Olympians
MyEccentricSelfxoxoxo✫Anything written by Sarah Dessen
MyEccentricSelfxoxoxo✫The Vampire Chronicles; Interview with the Vampire, etc.
MyEccentricSelfxoxoxo✫And others…
I grew up watching movies like The Lost Boys and Interview with the Vampire so I’m really interested in any and all vampire books. I prefer Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles over Dracula though. Bram Stoker was just a little slow with his writing in my opinion.
I’m also really into movies, I love to watch them and look up trivia about the movies. is my best friend, seriously. Some favorites are:
MyEccentricSelfxoxoxo✫Four Brothers
MyEccentricSelfxoxoxo✫Tron;; the original and Legacy
MyEccentricSelfxoxoxo✫Repo! The Genetic Opera
MyEccentricSelfxoxoxo✫RENT (No Day But Today
MyEccentricSelfxoxoxo✫Mars Attacks
MyEccentricSelfxoxoxo✫Country Strong
MyEccentricSelfxoxoxo✫Rocky Horror Picture Show
By now, I’m pretty sure everyone said TL;DR, so I’m going to finish this up now. razz Thanks for reading it if you did.
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Hello, Gaia. And I guess I should say hey to you too, Ti. Hi.