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The Techno King

The Techno King's avatar

Last Login: 08/31/2017 1:01 am

Registered: 06/25/2007

Birthday: 02/14


About me:

Hi, I'm Justin! I'm 24, an avid reader, gamer, and Mental Health Professional for a living. I'm 5-7 with brown hair, a bit overweight but muscular, with no piercings or tattoos (yet). In my free time I'm usually reading, working on projects, or playing games with friends. Gaming has been a significant portion of my life, and is my most prominent hobby nowadays. I love animals and have for all of my life; I have a pet Senegal parrot that is the sweetest thing in the world. I'm genuinely open to anyone who isn't hateful or aggressive so if you think we could enjoy each others' company, leave a comment or send me a message. blaugh

Favorite Games
World of Warcraft | CS:GO | ARK | Minecraft
BioShock | Fallout | Elder Scrolls | Mass Effect

Favorite Music
Deadmau5 | Royksopp | ODESZA | Flume
Nujabes | Carebon Based Lifeforms | Galimatias
Red Hot Chili Peppers | Cage The Elephant

Favorite Movies
Gattaca | The Big Lebowski | TRON: Legacy | The Princess Bride
Star Wars | Harry Potter | Bourne trilogy

Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop | Samurai Champloo | DuRaRaRa
Avatar: The Last Airbender & Legend of Korra


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