I enjoy watching the Youtube channels Achievment hunter, Game Grumps, Two Best Friends Play and Mega64, and I also like slice of life anime. When I get the chance I also enjoy playing games like Bloodborne, Silent Hill, and Smash Brothers.
I see. I know what you mean. Whenever I hear someone chewing with their mouth open I just wanna go up to them and scalp 'em. emotion_donotwant
Which in turn makes me feel bad because, you know, we're not sociopaths and we don't want to hurt people or make them mad at us. =3=
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You should totally go to sleep now though. If you're anything like me 8 or 9 hours of sleep isn't enough.
You're graduating today?
Which in turn makes me feel bad because, you know, we're not sociopaths and we don't want to hurt people or make them mad at us. =3=