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aren't i stunning

7cheer1os7's avatar

Last Login: 11/22/2021 8:25 pm

Registered: 07/17/2007

Gender: Female

Location: california... well now it's oregon

Birthday: 07/17/1990

Occupation: i'm going to skool (i'm a student)

my awesome outfit

you should be my friend

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a lil' bout me

the name's cherille it rhymes with for real. there's not a lot to say about me. i'm FILIPINO AND PROUD OF IT!. i'm currently livin' in oregon, the beaver state. you don't need to know my age. i'm lovin' school so far, not the learning part, but the friends part. life's tough so far, but it's getting better.

likes- going on the computer, texting, school, nail polish, lip gloss, hanging out with friends, hanging out with family, making fun of my cousin, shopping, HAVING FUN, the sun, candy, hot pink, lime green, ocean blue,and a whole bunch of other stuff.

dislikes- mean people, posers, being broke, closing at my aunt's restaurant, boredom, gossip, rain, haters, gloomy days, getting sick, homework, scary people, and more.

my dream avis i can never make

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at least drop by and say hi

View All Comments

Werevampgon Report | 07/16/2010 6:06 pm
hey there whats up and how are you just wanted to wish you a happy b-day and hope you have a wonderful b-day too!!
iiHenry Report | 05/29/2010 3:07 pm
azansrsookool Report | 08/04/2009 7:51 pm
hello cherille how are you doing? hows ur trip so far?
iiHenry Report | 08/03/2009 2:37 pm
lol ok
J-beeenie Report | 07/28/2009 9:21 pm
no way no way???!!!! i went to the beach in cali i got a tan but no sun burn!!
J-beeenie Report | 07/27/2009 9:47 am
right now im in cali but after like in 5 minutes im driving bak to vegas ansd its awesome i went to the beach
here in the navy base
J-beeenie Report | 07/25/2009 11:50 pm
hi cherille havent talked to u in a while!! i miss chu!!!
iiHenry Report | 07/23/2009 1:57 pm
miss u 2 philly
Werevampgon Report | 07/21/2009 4:21 pm
Happy B-Day!!...if I missed it I'm sorry...hope you had a wonderful
iiHenry Report | 07/15/2009 12:12 am
when ur bday?
and text me....

stalker list


this is my BEST FRIEND henry------------>>
he's pretty amazing<---yupyupyup
me and him are like this *crosses fingers*
i can truly say that he's my best friend.

right here is my BFF jazmin---------------------------->>
she understands me when no one else does.
we tell each other every single thing that goes on in our lives.
i love this girl with all my heart♥