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"A nightingale in a golden cage
That's me locked inside reality's maze
Come someone make my heavy heart light
Come undone bring me back to life
It all starts with a lullaby"

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Heart Of Wolf

I'm a little finnish artist, who really loves wolves/werewolfs. I like black clothes, metal music, books and nature also.


Black HunterWolfen

Black HunterWolfen's avatar

Last Login: 10/24/2012 1:40 am

Registered: 07/26/2007

Gender: Female

Location: Finland

Birthday: 12/02/1990

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Cralala Report | 07/17/2009 7:54 am
thanks for buying
Pulcher Meretrix Report | 12/14/2008 12:33 pm
Pulcher Meretrix
I saw your avatar in a random thread and after reading that you enjoy werewolf books, I thought I would suggest the "Anita Blake : Vampire Hunter" series by Laurell K. Hamilton and the "Riley Jenson" Series by Keri Arthur if you haven't read them already.
MagickalCowgirl17 Report | 05/08/2008 7:31 pm
oh my gosh!!! I am so sorry it has taken so long to get back to you! Over a month!! O_O Yipes! How are things going for you?? The trailer for the Twilight movie is out! Well, kind of...it is on the myspace trailer thingy, if you have a myspace page. lol. I don't really like who they chose for Edward...but that is okay. User Image I hope things are going good for you! I'm sorry again it took so long to write back!
MagickalCowgirl17 Report | 03/10/2008 6:57 pm
Yeah, we've had some crazy snow!!! It's all melting now a little bit, thank goodness, I'm tired of the cold. User Image It's supposed to get warmer tomorrow though, which will be nice! The horses are shedding out their winter coats like crazy! ^_^

Did you hear that they are making a movie out of Twilight?? I think it comes out in December. I hope it's good!!! =D Vampire Knight? I think I read the first two books...if I'm thinking of the right series, then yes, they are really good! Heehee!!!
Lucien90 Report | 03/03/2008 12:51 pm
Hi. Terribly sorry I didn't see your comment earlier, I haven't been on here in ages. Thanks for it anyway, much appreciated. I notice you have a deviantArt. I use that far more regularly, so would that make contact easier? Hope this finds you well. Thanks again.
CioccoLatte Report | 03/02/2008 5:03 pm
thanks so much for taking time to vote and comment on my avi at the AA!
MagickalCowgirl17 Report | 02/19/2008 5:12 pm
Hehe, that's okay! Sorry I haven't replied for awhile, either! I haven't been on Gaia for ages!!!

How are you doing!? It's really nasty weather here. User Image

Yeah, I agree, Twilight much better then New Moon. Have you read Eclipse yet? It's better then New Moon, I think. User Image Actually, I need to read those again, hahaha, I haven't read them for awhile!
suffa Report | 02/13/2008 4:08 pm
Things are good. Just sitting here bored.
Kyoko Inuzuka Report | 02/11/2008 11:41 am
Kyoko Inuzuka
vote for kyoko inuzuka in the avatar arenas please
suffa Report | 02/10/2008 1:17 pm
Hi. I see you dropped by. How are things going your way?


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The Escapist - Nightwish
