
Bludget's avatar

Registered: 08/21/2004

Birthday: 02/08


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Bludget's Journal

I have no idea what you are expecting from me. Ah! The pressure is too much!



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Eyella Report | 12/03/2012 5:29 pm
I donno why but you're awsome. lol. You're one of the few people that I remember from this site... lol. I come back from time to time, but I've been busy with life.

<333 I wanted to know if you had some avatars I can draw. I'm rusty, but I'll try. Hehe. I'll practice on your current. I miss drawing... ;(
Eyella Report | 08/17/2012 6:59 pm
Imma have to play around with it before I can make an outfit with it though. xB
Eyella Report | 08/17/2012 6:59 pm
Sweety. Thank you; it's prettiful~ <333 *cuddles it*

How have you been?
Eyella Report | 07/07/2011 2:39 pm
Elmwood Report | 02/05/2011 6:37 pm
O hi biggrin
Eyella Report | 09/01/2010 11:08 am
I proberly missed yours this year too. T.T I fail @ dates. xB &&& thank you. *bows, bows* <333 It's awesome, although I'm in a bit of a avatar block right now. lol.

How have you been?
BarbieSlave Report | 05/04/2010 3:37 pm
ninja heart More eloquently phrased by "ninja love". Or to be even more wordy, "I am secretly lurking on your profile after a very long time of not talking to you and am leaving loving wishes"
Eyella Report | 12/21/2009 1:19 pm
Love your christmas avatar btw. xB
Eyella Report | 08/18/2009 11:29 am
First of all, thank you so much for the b-day present. *huggles* You're too awesome! <333
I want to draw you, but my computer is broked... So, all I have is the computers at the school.
Lastly, how are you?! How are things with work and such?
Eyella Report | 07/01/2009 6:29 pm
I wanna draw you, but that avatar as gorgeous as it is looks hard to draw. @.@ <333 I suck @ masks. xB
Have you been saving your avatars? ninja