
Hey . . .
I am a chocolate loving feind who reads books, especially novels (PENDRAGON, *cough, cough*) and watches many fantasy movies like LOTR. I don't care if you think I'm weird -- I'm just going to be me, and I'm not going to change who I am. Watch out for nargles, and give my reguards to broadway!


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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 12/16/2009 9:48 pm


what about trigun?

Report | 09/01/2009 7:14 pm


HI people what is going on people

Report | 08/28/2009 1:35 am


Hahaha. Yeah, in Dutch it almost never changes, but still >_<;; We have an 'c' 'k' issue here, one year it's that way, the next it is another way once more.. Just makes me want to scream and yell that they have to make up their minds ><;;
Hah, holy button of replay. We need that here as well =P Merh, I think mine will be broken pretty soon.. But recalling my previous post.... it's already broken crying
I see^^ Well, I use them wherever I can now XD So, watch out for more emoticons! Wheee... *shifty eyes*
Weeeeell... 30°C is about 86 °F ^^ Thank god for online calculators XD
*gazes* Okay, okay then. I'll believe you ^^, For once! Mwahaha!
Pheeewww... how long? Four/five years I think, don't recall O_O;;
Yaaaaaaay for dancing! ^^ I almost never dance, only when I'm alone or with a very good friend. I'm shy myself, although many would say that I'm not XD Especially not over internet!
That was with the right hand. The nazi's used it to greet each other and Hitler. Especially the *******, no.. I don't really like the guy..
I stole this from Wiki, thanks god for it again >_>;
Ere we go; "For the Hitler salute, it was customary for people who belong to the same social group to raise the right arm at an angle so that the palm becomes visible. The appropriate phrase that went with it is Sieg Heil or at least Heil. If one saw an acquaintance at a distance, it sufficed to simply raise the right hand. If one encountered a superior, then the right hand was to be fully stretched out, raised to eye-level and at the same time say Sieg Heil. If physical disability prevented the use of the raising of the right arm, then it was correct to carry out the Greeting with the left arm."
I don't really know about the left hand, it's only unpolite if you use it in a handshake. Hmm...
That works as well... but there should be some killing, riiiiiiight? *puppy eyes* XD
Well, we have a word that's used in all the three languages; Dutch, German and English "Angst" and it does mean the same... I don't know who came up with it first though.. hmmm XD

Report | 08/03/2009 9:36 am


Bleeeeh, that sucks =[ I can believe. Pffff, Dutch is still confusing too, they have different rules for each word it seems o_O
Haha, yeah... I've found the holy button of replay though, so all's good X3
Hah, yeah. Those people that use them constantly bother me, I always use one to end my sentence, lazy =P
Uhm, I guess around the 30°C
Oi, yeah. I'm sad.. and pathetic!
Haha, yeah ^_^ Oh well, we all learn. It's quite strange how comfortable English is this days, when I first learned it I freaked out about it XD
Yuusss *sees her dance* Ooohhh, dancing!
*grins more and keeps the saluting position for a moment longer and then lowers hand*
*nod nod* Kill the French!
Lol same as Dutch =P We stole from many languages as well, ALTHOUGH we TRY to hide it, and quite succeeding in it too =P

Report | 07/14/2009 11:12 am


Hahahahaha, yeah. Spanish isn't exactly easy either, huh? XD
Yeah, I do the same thing often. If I don't feel like needles I look away and start humming and yeah XD
Lol. Oh well.. I know when to keep my mouth shut as well, but not often XD
(just noticed the lots of "XD" in this comment) Duuuude o_o;;
Yah, summer here as well. Too hot to work, but if I don't work I'll get fired so work for me >>;;
You know. I don't think I remember what I meant with the first one, the second. Well, some days I just can't spell another language at ALL, some days, it seems like I have writen it for years.
Oh, well.. *scratches own head absently* Mokay then *stops huffing and pats lightly* Now don't cry, uncle Sephy wouldn't have that.. o_o; XD
Saaaaaaaame! *salutes*
Oh noes *looks at France* Never going there. AGAIN!!!
ps; it's Dutch. Different from German and English, but some things keep the same XD

Report | 06/13/2009 4:52 pm


Thanks For Buying! Again? :O

Report | 05/18/2009 9:37 am


Not really ^^; I'm just someone that picks on them fairly quickly *quirks a small amused grin*
Well, it's not that uncommon here XD There are a few dudes and dudettes that feel faint at the sight of one, some even freak out and try to escape it ^^;
Yeah, I have quite the big mouth ;P Not always in the good way either!! XD
I always cough when a bit 'nervous' it's almost always like "errhmm, yeah, eh *coughs* So uhm, how're you?" XD *not being serious*
No, not sick ^^; But those drops sounds nice!! *goes to get* XD Hehahaha, I'm addicted to them ;P
Yeah, nothing *sighs* Bah, work and such kept me too busy *grumbles* Now I've a little more time to check everything *realises it has been a month or longer* Daaaaaammmmnnnn
Hehe, yeah me too =3 I try to break the "wrong" on it, or how do they say it *shrugs* Know only my native's way of saying it XD Maybe it's almost similiar in English. *realises also that the spelling worsened quite the bit* Grrr..
Too late *still dramatically dead* .......... I'm too worthy of such an insult!! *huffs* >XD
Clowns.... another pet peeve of me, I HATE CLOWNS, and I admit. I'm just someone that doesn't hate much XD But mention clowns and I take my guns and other stuff out XP Or just run away..
*glomped* I WANTED TO ESCAPE!! D=

Report | 04/24/2009 11:03 am


Uhhmmm, I just did? XD
Ewwww, needles... night indeed, the next time I awake is one day later *always faint of them, or nearly always*
*shrugs* Don't know actually *shifty eyes and coughs*
Yikes.. sick in the stomach is never nice D= Neeeevvvvaaaa!! XD *coughs again* Yeah, I really need a cough-drop =3
Ah, I was bored in those two weeks *laughs* I think I would have been better off with one too XD
Okies *cudles hair and runs around with* XD
French? Noooo!!! *clasps hand in front of chest* The biggest insult someone ever gave me *gasps* Now I'm going to die~ XD *does so dramatically*
No problem ^^ *glomped and escorted back* But- but- but... D=

Report | 04/03/2009 5:06 am


interpreter from Japanese to English/German/Dutch, though I fail at it.. It has been ages since I spoke Japense *blegh*
Awwww.... then we are with two!! *dances*
Ouch, yeah.. I heard of that evil thing *tries to banish* Haven't to do it myself though *happy* The thing itself isn't so bad a few friends told, but afterwards XD *silences* oh, I had to speak encouragment and such, huh? XD
*nods* Well, I'm happy... I took two weeks off from tha work! Hiya!!
Everyone *shifty eyes* friends, family.... and the like
Alright... Au revoir? *beats French* Gah, not cool! XD Lol, I'm 'fraid I don't know it and never will XD
*pulls from underneath and huggles randomly* O_O;;

Report | 04/01/2009 11:52 am


Indeed, work and all that kicks me off constantly... Blah, it sucks.
Yes, something similiar *shame* It was one of the worst things I remember XD
Okay.... alright then ^^ *grins* Then it's okay I suppose...
Nice! Just like me XP Although my brain fried itself out, I'm afraid *gazes at black heap lying a feet or two away* hmmm *pokes said heap with a 40 foot pole*
Ahhh, that's nice too ^^ Meh, having no time is totally not cool! D= *couldn't resist doing it*
Alright... if you're in no rush I'm safe I guess... Well, from you that is XD Hehe, others are aiming for cutting it off *shifty eyes*
*watches at strange language being spoken* ehhh... alright *leaves*


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