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Hello there, Gaia-zen!

My Gaia Online username is Michi Xiu
You may call me Michi (as how both my Gaian and real life friends call me).
I joined Gaia on September 21, 2007.
If you want to know more about me, prepare yourself to read bunch of trash facts about this Michi Xiu-person.
The long about me is divided into three parts. You can stop reading now if you think you have better things to do.


First of all, I spawned on the 22nd of June.

Second, I am an ENFP (Extrovert Intuitive Feeling Prospective). If you want to understand my personality, you may click the link provided and be redirected to a brief description of ENFPs.

Third, I have my own Wonderland. I dream a lot. I love dreaming. I used to have incredibly vivid dreams. Sadly this interesting ability is steadily decreasing primarily because of societal expectations. If you want to know more how my dreams occur, click here.

Fourth, I am a person you can confide in. If you need someone to talk to and/or listen to you and/or be with you, I am here. Let me help you. However, once you start being unreasonably whiny, that's the time I stop listening and just let you ramble.

Fifth, I tend to be assertive. There are times I get ahead of myself. There are also tendencies wherein I explain myself a lot. Please bear with me, or politely point it out, so I'd be aware.

Sixth, I can speak Tagalog, English and basic Korean. I enjoy learning different cultures.

Seventh, I'm not a native speaker of English, so I am telling you beforehand not to ridicule. I'd like to be corrected in a respectful manner, though.

Everything listed below is not in order.


1. I love dreaming and thinking of things that are next to impossible. This is becoming a problem, especially since I am expected to dwell in reality.

2. Next to dreaming is creating art. I enjoy traditional drawing, digital painting and crafting. I am a designer by profession.

3. I enjoy listening to pop, rock, r&b, hiphop and alternative. I also enjoy reading books and manga.

4. I like trolling people. It's my way of entering someone's life in a light manner while trying to be deeply part of it. It can also be an indicator of our relationship. If I treat you formally, feel free to think I'm not yet comfortable with you.

5. I love funny, crazy people. If you can make me laugh, there's a high chance I'd be attracted to you, whether you are male or female. This attraction isn't limited to romance, however.

6. I appreciate people who don't consider leaving me despite my shortcomings. I admit, I am a faulty one, but I am trying my best to keep up.

7. GaiaOnline has to be in this list. zOMG has to be mentioned as well. I can't bring myself to say that all my time spent on zOMG went to waste because no. 80% of my irreplaceable Gaia friends are thanks to zOMG, and I wouldn't trade my experience with them for anything else. 2017 Edit: zOMG is back!

8. I am devoted to historical East Asian history more than anything. Manifestation of my devotion can be found in my artworks.

9. I enjoy Philosophy. I may not be the smart-a** you're looking for, but allow me some warmup then we can have an intellectual conversation.

10. I am deeply in love with my boyfriend.


1. I hate strict and suffocating environments.

2. I HATE being boxed, pinned down, pressured, bossed around or ridiculously restricted. As a free-spirit, I rather do things on my own without anyone forcing me to.

3. I dislike insensitive people. Even animals have feelings, so why don't you?

4. Follow up: I'd rather you not be oversensitive too.

5. No flirting. Unless you're my boyfriend.

6. I REALLY hate it when I get in physical contact with someone, or if a person touches me. Please, I find the running of fingers or the rubbing of skin on my body off-putting. Unless, again, you're my boyfriend.

7. I hate chaos. I hate the sound of slamming of doors. I hate hearing people argue. I just hate anything that disturbs my peace. I'm pretty anxious, and things like these make my heart race uncontrollably. Worse, I hyperventilate. And no, I do not come from a problematic family. It's just that I am faint-hearted.

8. Mathematics is a no. Just no.

9. Pineapple is also a no.


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Happily taken. whee


See you around and have a good day!

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