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Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7


Viewing 12 of 19 friends



I'm currently in college so I'm not sure when I'll be updating this journal but I'll do my best to keep it up to date. I'm an avid writer and plan to post my stories and chapters here so my long distance friends can read and enjoy them.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 02/20/2014 6:57 am


cool avi

Report | 07/24/2010 2:39 pm


Should i reopen my art shop? question
Fallen Zephyr

Report | 03/31/2010 2:13 pm

Fallen Zephyr

no problem :3 *hugs*
and fair enough, i'm only at college but last year i took 4 courses (you can take up to 5 normally) but this year i only took 3, if you need the time then ya need it, better you do well in what you have got then do more and be miserable
Fallen Zephyr

Report | 02/15/2010 4:10 pm

Fallen Zephyr

yeah, to go do crazy things that stop u from thinking oh my god! it's due in tomoro.... to insted think oh my god! how can they even do that DX but in a good way (however you want to class the police involvment smile
sha ryu

Report | 02/13/2010 1:11 pm

sha ryu

o: yes you can, it just ends up ending worse than you began with D;
and agreed, D; its a pain in the arse, but its necisary.
Fallen Zephyr

Report | 02/12/2010 10:55 am

Fallen Zephyr

yesh :3 still alive, tho i have a cold (not the only one but it's not as bad as everyone else's) survived a coursework thingy and yeah just generaly doing ok... tho i only found out yesturday that it was half term(week-off) next week XD sad i didnt kno, happy i do now smile
sha ryu

Report | 02/05/2010 4:30 pm

sha ryu

xD if i ever get around to it at the moment, bah, my course has been getting on top of me at the moment which has been a pain D:/
Fallen Zephyr

Report | 02/05/2010 10:53 am

Fallen Zephyr

yeah it's ok and again goodluck >.< you can do it!!!
Fallen Zephyr

Report | 02/03/2010 2:17 pm

Fallen Zephyr

maybe but we still have far too many hormones or so i'm told by people doing human biology courses >.>
Fallen Zephyr

Report | 02/03/2010 10:06 am

Fallen Zephyr

everyone has their special times smile


God is always by your side waiting; it's your choice if he enters your heart and heals your scars.