sorry for the late response!! just been inactive on gaia because being lazy and there's not much to do here. ^ ^ ;;;
12 more school days left for me to get out.. it doesn't seem like june here.
i'm sure there's things you like and that calms you down. like your hobbies.
counseling sucks in my opinion. i'm not much of an open-minded person and just staying away from drama as much as possible
korean drama are good though
Well it's good that you're at a relaxing point and not be stress. Have you tried meditating? My dad said like the energy in your body release out the stress, sadness, anger. Having your body feel better and calming down. Are you going to work or what are you going to do? School counseling isn't that great. :/ I went to one 2 years ago and they didn't even help.
Didn't you said a long time ago you went to counseling?? School is pretty boring. I don't like the school I am in. Too much dramas, love in the air, physical fights, drugs, teacher constantly yelling at the same students who don't pay attention or students argue back at the teacher, grades hate other grades. Just pretty much bothers me.
too lazy to write a whole paragraph too. XD yeahhh shinee~! ^ o ^ // it was snowing here yesterday a little and now this week is going to be raining and sunny. I don't really use this site either besides talking to people, which is like barely. XDDD I'm glad that things are getting better for you. ^ - ^
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