Today? Today I'm bored.
We have our Japanese final project due tomarrow, and I'm mostly done. Just needa finish Sooky and then do my parents pages. And then my 'eye-guides' for art. Damn Ms. Gillard. Though, she got Bell in trouble today heart
THE ******** CHILDREN IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD ARE STUPID. My mom planted these flowers and plants a couple days ago and yesterday, they were caught pulling them out and ripping the poor flowers apart. AND TODAY, I glanced out the window on the way to get a ruler and I noticed them RIPPING MORE FLOWERS OUT AND TAKING BIG ROCKS OUT FROM AROUND OUR MAILBOX. So I ran out there, like 'WHAT THE--- KIDS?!" And they were like, 'We're looking for little rolly bugs!' and I was like, Grr.
But I'm proud to say I used completely approprite language! =D
So thats all...
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