I have my violin lessons today. I'm not so excited about it though. The Perpetual Motion is one piece that's a real pain for me.
Anywho, I went shopping with my auntie yesterday. My gosh, it felt so good buying new designer clothes!! D:&
What else? Oh yeah, I only have a few weeks left of my vacation..
I had the strangest dream last night. First, I was at this place which looked like a combination of my school and a fancy hotel. There were these Korean and Chinese guys who were walking around, looking for girls to give the bouquets their holding.
One with glasses came to me, and gave me a katana and a bouquet. And he said "I know you don't know me, but will you marry me?" as he handed me a card thingy with buttons. One button said "I'll marry you." and the other said "I'm sorry. Things like that should wait.". I of course pressed the second one. So, he just said "I knew it.". And he took his katana back.. Pssh! I wanted the katana!! D:<
After that, I woke up and fell asleep again.
This time, I was in a classroom, with a bed inside of it!! And it was HRC class. I was classmates with Sarina. The teacher gave us a time limit into doing our HRC activity and Sarina was doing so slow, considering the perfectionist that she really is. Soon, HRC has ended and it was time for Filipino class and we had to move to another classroom. I was running late and I couldn't find my materials...I couldn't bare the idea of being scolded and I woke up....