Meh. Don't mind the title. I just wanted another random title, that's all, deary.
Anywho, it's 7:17 pm. I'm sitting in front of my computer once again, with some strawberry yogurt too!
My left wrist hurts right I guess that's the result of playing the violin for over 2 hours straight without rest . Hang on, Isa, just 3 more meetings and your violin lessons for this summer is done. BTW! 3 meetings, 6 hours of violin!! Waaaa!! D:
Now then, for other news besides RL.
I feel quite noobish right now. It's either I really am a noob or I'm just not used to seeing my gold currency as 15k only. 15k ONLY!! Damn! I can't believe I wasted over 5k gold just to renew some of my furniture. Ouch. And to think that I was planning to buy a Dark Halo. Bah! D:<
What else?
I planned to leave the CB for GCD but now I realize. I've spent to much time in the CB, too much that I can't stand a whole day without posting something in that forum. Oh well.