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Duh, about me!
What do you think about me?
What if I....
1. I committed Suicide:
2. I said I like you:
3. I kissed you:
4. I lived next door to you:
5. I started smoking:
6. I stole something:
7. I was Hospitalized:
8. I ran away from home:
9. I got into a fight and you werent there:

What Do I think about my...
1. Personality:
2. Eyes:
3. Face:
4. Hair:
5. Clothes:
6. Mannerisms:

1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends? freinds?
3. when and how we meet?
4. How have I affected you?
5. What do you think of me?
6. whats the fondest memory of me?
7. How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?
8. Do you love me?
9. Have I ever hurt you?
10. Would you hug me?
11. Would you kiss me?
12. Would you Make out with me?
13. Would you marry me?
14. Emonionally what stands out?
15. Do you wish I was cooler?
16. On a scale of on 1-10, how nice am I?
17. Give me a nickname and explain why I picked it.
18. Am I loveable?
19. How long have you known me?
20. Describe me in one word.
21. What was my first impression?
22. Do you think that way about me now?
23. What do you think my weakness is?
24. Do you think I would get married?
25. What about me makes you happy?
26. What about me makes you sad?
27. What reminds you of me?
28. What's something you would change about me?
29. How well do you know me?
30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
31. Do you think I would kill someone?
32. Are we close?
33.Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?

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  • User Comments: [6] [add]
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Sun May 27, 2007 @ 02:54pm
    What do you think about me?
    What if I....
    1. I committed Suicide: i would revive you
    2. I said I like you: i say me like you too
    3. I kissed you: i would kiss you back
    4. I lived next door to you: visit you every day
    5. I started smoking: help you quit
    6. I stole something: help you return it and me take the blame
    7. I was Hospitalized: be there with you everyday by your side
    8. I ran away from home: i would run away with you
    9. I got into a fight and you werent there: pray for your safety

    What Do I think about my...
    1. Personality: the best
    2. Eyes: beautiful
    3. Face: majestic
    4. Hair: silky smooth
    5. Clothes: awesome choices
    6. Mannerisms: respectful

    1. Who are you? Leon Blade
    2. Are we friends? freinds? yes
    3. when and how we meet? we meet by me adding you and about month ago
    4. How have I affected you? you the best thing that happnen to me
    5. What do you think of me? respectful and nice
    6. whats the fondest memory of me? me dream me had of you
    7. How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? friends forever
    8. Do you love me? yes
    9. Have I ever hurt you? no
    10. Would you hug me? yes
    11. Would you kiss me? maybe
    12. Would you Make out with me? Ummm....
    13. Would you marry me? maybe in future
    14. Emonionally what stands out? me and you friends forever
    15. Do you wish I was cooler? how much cooler can you be
    16. On a scale of on 1-10, how nice am I? 13
    17. Give me a nickname and explain why I picked it. angel for that is what you are to me
    18. Am I loveable? yes
    19. How long have you known me? about month
    20. Describe me in one word. angel
    21. What was my first impression? respect
    22. Do you think that way about me now? yes
    23. What do you think my weakness is? being to beautiful
    24. Do you think I would get married? yes
    25. What about me makes you happy? just being here for me
    26. What about me makes you sad? nothing
    27. What reminds you of me? everything
    28. What's something you would change about me? nothing you perfect
    29. How well do you know me? somewhat well to no alot about you
    30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
    31. Do you think I would kill someone? no
    32. Are we close? yes
    33.Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?yes right now

    commentCommented on: Sat Jun 09, 2007 @ 06:10am
    What if I....
    1. I committed Suicide: I'd be sad
    2. I said I like you: I'd be shocked
    3. I kissed you: I'd be surprised
    4. I lived next door to you: I'd go and visit you
    5. I started smoking: I'd tell you not to
    6. I stole something: I'd be dissapointed
    7. I was Hospitalized: I'd go visit you
    8. I ran away from home: I'd go find you
    9. I got into a fight and you werent there: I'd see if you were ok

    What Do I think about my...
    1. Personality: Its fun
    2. Eyes: Dont know
    3. Face: Dont know
    4. Hair: Dont know
    5. Clothes: Dont know
    6. Mannerisms: Very nice

    1. Who are you? Jeff
    2. Are we friends? Yes, I think so
    3. when and how we meet? Dont remember...
    4. How have I affected you? Not sure.
    5. What do you think of me? Very relaxed
    6. whats the fondest memory of me? Talking to you?
    7. How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? Long time
    8. Do you love me? As a friend
    9. Have I ever hurt you? Nope
    10. Would you hug me? Yes
    11. Would you kiss me? Maybe
    12. Would you Make out with me? Maybe
    13. Would you marry me? Maybe?
    14. Emonionally what stands out? Your outgoingness (is that even a word?)
    15. Do you wish I was cooler? Nope, your already cool
    16. On a scale of on 1-10, how nice am I? 10
    17. Give me a nickname and explain why I picked it. I dont know xp
    18. Am I loveable? Yes
    19. How long have you known me? A few weeks maybe?
    20. Describe me in one word. Fun to talk to
    21. What was my first impression? Really nice
    22. Do you think that way about me now? Yes
    23. What do you think my weakness is? good looking guys?
    24. Do you think I would get married? Yes
    25. What about me makes you happy? Your personality
    26. What about me makes you sad? Nothing
    27. What reminds you of me? Not sure yet
    28. What's something you would change abou me? Nothing
    29. How well do you know me? Not that well
    30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? Not really
    31. Do you think I would kill someone? Nope
    32. Are we close? Probly not
    33.Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? Sure.

    Community Member
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Fri Jun 15, 2007 @ 01:18am
    1. I committed Suicide: Tell you what Buddha always say! And hopefully you will think again and stop what you are doing...
    2. I said I like you: Whoa! As a best friend sure!
    3. I kissed you: Step away from me please, we are best buds for life!
    4. I lived next door to you: Go over and just talk!
    5. I started smoking: Stopped you immediately!
    6. I stole something: Make you walk over and return it.....
    7. I was Hospitalized: Bring you the most prettiest flowers in the world!
    8. I ran away from home: Stop you, but if you don't listen then I'd run away wiuth you!
    9. I got into a fight and you werent there: I'd pray for you and alwayz be by your side....

    What Do I think about my...
    1. Personality:
    2. Eyes: Gorgeous
    3. Face: Like a Thai actress's
    4. Hair: Long, and silky like mine
    5. Clothes: Very pretty in a very fashionable and dramatic way!
    6. Mannerisms: Very kind and sometimes short-tempered

    1. Who are you? Your best bud, Gaew
    2. Are we friends? freinds? yes, totally!
    3. when and how we meet? We met in kindergarten, by you walking up to me and start talking to me.....
    4. How have I affected you? Made me realize that standing up for yourself is a good thing to do!
    5. What do you think of me? The best friend in the whole world!!!!!!!!
    6. whats the fondest memory of me? Talking and hanging out since we were lil people!
    7. How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? Like 4ever of course!
    8. Do you love me? Yes, like a friend!
    9. Have I ever hurt you? No, not at all!
    10. Would you hug me? Sure, why not?
    11. Would you kiss me? No, but if I were a man maybe.....
    12. Would you Make out with me? Definately out of the question! No comment on that one!
    13. Would you marry me? No, sorry.......
    14. Emonionally what stands out? How your helpful you are!
    15. Do you wish I was cooler? No, you are like the best friend in the world!
    16. On a scale of on 1-10, how nice am I? 100%
    17. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Cherry because you are this girl that likes to dress up and is very active and just really outgoing!
    18. Am I loveable? yes
    19. How long have you known me? For over 10 years.......
    20. Describe me in one word. Helpful
    21. What was my first impression? How you love to help
    22. Do you think that way about me now? Oh yes
    23. What do you think my weakness is? How you have this urging to help around
    24. Do you think I would get married? Yes of course!
    25. What about me makes you happy? How you aren't a snotty type of person although you dress like spicey kind of girls!
    26. What about me makes you sad? How you are short-tempered at times!
    27. What reminds you of me? A teddy bear, more like a carebear1
    28. What's something you would change about me? Your short-temperedness!
    29. How well do you know me? Well I know like everything about you!
    30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? No, not at all1
    31. Do you think I would kill someone? No comment! (no)
    32. Are we close? Yes, friendlike!
    33.Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?yes, soon though!

    commentCommented on: Fri Jun 15, 2007 @ 05:30am
    1. I committed Suicide: call the hospital wahmbulance in the meantime try to save you
    2. I said I like you: as long as its not love but i would still like you as a friend
    3. I kissed you: uhhh.....shocked eek (uhhh sorry i am not the lez type) sweatdrop
    4. I lived next door to you: kool lets party
    5. I started smoking: starts thnking of reasons to make you stop
    6. I stole something: return it
    7. I was Hospitalized: give you love heart (as a friend/sister)
    8. I ran away from home: nooo!!!
    9. I got into a fight and you werent there: talk about it later and buy you a BIG present biggrin

    What Do I think about my...
    1. Personality: fun and nice
    2. Eyes: pretty
    3. Face: cute
    4. Hair: amazing*drooling*i wish i have hair like yours
    5. Clothes: you got style girlfriend do my shopping too plz!!!
    6. Mannerisms: awww how nice

    1. Who are you? a fun friend who you can always count on
    2. Are we friends? freinds? yes of course *hugs* heart heart heart
    3. when and how we meet? on gaia!!!
    4. How have I affected you? ...???
    5. What do you think of me? huggy wuggy???
    6. whats the fondest memory of me? being there for me
    7. How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? friends forever enemies never
    8. Do you love me? of course sis
    9. Have I ever hurt you? maybe some secrets are better left untold
    10. Would you hug me? yes now give me back a hug
    11. Would you kiss me? sure but not on the lips
    12. Would you Make out with me? no i am not lez!!!
    13. Would you marry me? never!!!unless i turn to be a man and grow older
    14. Emonionally what stands out? luv
    15. Do you wish I was cooler? if you want you are already purrfect
    16. On a scale of on 1-10, how nice am I? 100000000
    17. Give me a nickname and explain why I picked it. purrfect cuz you are
    18. Am I loveable? yes xp
    19. How long have you known me? i dunno sweatdrop
    20. Describe me in one word. supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
    21. What was my first impression? wow
    22. Do you think that way about me now? yuppie
    23. What do you think my weakness is? being secretive
    24. Do you think I would get married? no duh you are so awsome
    25. What about me makes you happy? cuz i like you
    26. What about me makes you sad? not always talking to me
    27. What reminds you of me? the world
    28. What's something you would change about me? dont ever change
    29. How well do you know me? secrets(shhh)
    30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? i want a hug plus some chocolate and some candy,cake,sweets,ice cream,clothes,money,and love
    31. Do you think I would kill someone? llike i would no??
    32. Are we close? maybe we are maybe we arent
    33.Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? of course

    Community Member
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Tue Jun 19, 2007 @ 06:44pm
    1. I committed Suicide: I would laugh at you
    2. I said I like you: I'd say i really hated you
    3. I kissed you: I'd go to hell
    4. I lived next door to you: like that would ever happen if you did i'd die!
    5. I started smoking: let you continue
    6. I stole something: keep it sister!
    7. I was Hospitalized: I wouldnt vist you smart one!
    8. I ran away from home: I'd stay home relaxed
    9. I got into a fight and you werent there: I'd be at the spa!

    What Do I think about my...
    1. Personality: pure evil
    2. Eyes: Too goody-goody
    3. Face: Horrible!
    4. Hair: Like a forest of monsters!
    5. Clothes: Horrible let me out of here
    6. Mannerisms: Miss goody-goody blah!

    1. Who are you? Your lil' sis
    2. Are we friends? Don't ask
    3. when and how we meet? Sisters hello!
    4. How have I affected you? Nothing in my life
    5. What do you think of me? ...Run away!
    6. whats the fondest memory of me? Nothing
    7. How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? Enemies 4ever
    8. Do you love me? No
    9. Have I ever hurt you?Yes many ways
    10. Would you hug me? No
    11. Would you kiss me? no
    12. Would you Make out with me?no
    13. Would you marry me? no
    14. Emonionally what stands out?nothing
    15. Do you wish I was cooler? no your all ready cold at heart
    16. On a scale of on 1-10, how nice am I? ...Hmmm......-10
    17. Give me a nickname and explain why I picked it. Divine mother Evil hurtful yet good in only one way
    18. Am I loveable? no
    19. How long have you known me? Ever since i was born to this world of misery
    20. Describe me in one word. Pure evil
    21. What was my first impression? nothing
    22. Do you think that way about me now? yes
    23. What do you think my weakness is? being a good sis
    24. Do you think I would get married? no with your look never
    25. What about me makes you happy? nothing
    26. What about me makes you sad? everything
    27. What reminds you of me? darkness
    28. What's something you would change about me? everything
    29. How well do you know me? very well
    30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? Yes
    31. Do you think I would kill someone? yes
    32. Are we close? no but in family yes
    33.Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? No

    This is my bad one the next one will be good

    commentCommented on: Tue Jun 19, 2007 @ 08:07pm
    What do you think about me?
    What if I....
    1. I committed Suicide: i'd be sad with regret
    2. I said I like you: i'd like you back
    3. I kissed you: i'd be shocked
    4. I lived next door to you: i'd visit you everyday
    5. I started smoking: i'd help you to quit
    6. I stole something: i'd ask you to give it back
    7. I was Hospitalized: i'd visit you with a boquet of flowers
    8. I ran away from home: i'd find you and bring you back
    9. I got into a fight and you werent there: i'd be ashamed and said sorry

    What Do I think about my...
    1. Personality: great
    2. Eyes: no idea
    3. Face: no idea
    4. Hair: no idea
    5. Clothes: no idea
    6. Mannerisms: great

    1. Who are you? Daisuke
    2. Are we friends? freinds? yes
    3. when and how we meet? about 1 or 2 months ago in Gaia
    4. How have I affected you? nothing
    5. What do you think of me? as a friend
    6. whats the fondest memory of me? being happy of who you are
    7. How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? friends forever
    8. Do you love me? maybe
    9. Have I ever hurt you? nope
    10. Would you hug me? yes
    11. Would you kiss me? maybe
    12. Would you Make out with me? ...
    13. Would you marry me? ...
    14. Emonionally what stands out? no idea
    15. Do you wish I was cooler? your fine by who you are
    16. On a scale of on 1-10, how nice am I? 11
    17. Give me a nickname and explain why I picked it. ehh, no clue
    18. Am I loveable? yes
    19. How long have you known me? maybe 1 month
    20. Describe me in one word. awesome
    21. What was my first impression? being cheerful
    22. Do you think that way about me now? maybe
    23. What do you think my weakness is? losing your friends
    24. Do you think I would get married? yes
    25. What about me makes you happy? being happy as you can be
    26. What about me makes you sad? nothing
    27. What reminds you of me? your happiness
    28. What's something you would change about me? nothing
    29. How well do you know me? sort of
    30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? sometimes
    31. Do you think I would kill someone? never
    32. Are we close? kinda
    33.Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? maybe

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