[Haku of the Mist]'s depressing ramblings...
So I did tell any of you went I took my self off my meds. Nor did I tell you that when i saw the doctor he told me to stop using them anyways. But ever since I saw the stupid doctor I'm not really staying happy. Yeah I'll have fun talking to my friends and stuff like that but, when their gone I just fall into a deeper depression.
Not only that but my after getting off my meds, I have been feeling different. I want a family, a real family. A husband and kids, I've never really wanted kids, but now I can't help wishing I had them. I see my friends with their boyfriends only causing my to fall deeper into my hole. I don't know what the ******** is wrong with me...Does this mean I'm turning emo? God I hope not.
So I have been away, if anyone noticed. I saw my friends, went to the PotC 3. It was good, but still I was left in my bad mood. I know how Luce-sama feels, I wonder why he wont answer my PMs.
Wouldn't living in a fairy tale be great? Sure it has its ups and downs, but once everything is happy it just ends. Nothing will change, 'its happily ever after'. And even is some tales the bad guy gets a happy ending.
But in real life theres not such thing as a happy ending...Because nothing really ever ends. The world keeps turning, and even if you die other people go on. Its how life is. And it sucks and it hurts...But we keep going for some unknown reason. Hope for a better tomorrow? Bull...
I know it sounds like I'm ready to go off and do something stupid but I'm not. I'm just lonely, I have been for a really long time now, I sure I was even when Luce-sma and I were together...So whatever happens, happens. Whos with who, does really matter anymore. I'll just be here, waiting for my happy ending.