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The Book of Shadows
The Darkness fills and fills. Terrifies, horrifies, forever scares.
Apocalypse (My Zombie Story) (copyright = ME)
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The apocalypse. That is what they called it. They say that the world as we knew it ended that day. We dont know exactly how it happened, but when it happened, it spread like fire. Civilization was wiped off of the face of the Earth. There are small groups of survivors spread across the world. I am part of one of them. I belong to a resistance group stationed in New York City. My name is Markus Graves. I have no past, but I will make a future. I am here to fight against the zombie apocalypse.


A flash of light from across the street.

"They made it," Markus sighed.

Markus flashed his signal light across the street and began to move forward. Markus had jet-black hair, blue eyes, and always wore black clothing. He belonged to the New York City resistance group. The resistance group is trying to extend their perimeter so that they can have access to more weapons and provisions. So far the reconnaissance mission was going smoothly, so far

"We've found a NecroTech facility," Markus's walkie talkie buzzed, "We're going to check it out."

"I'll meet you there," Markus answered, "I'm on my way."

"Affirmative, we'll send you the coordinates," the walkie talkie buzzed, "over and out."

Markus waited a few seconds until he heard the beeping of his cell phone retrieving the coordinates. He pulled out his cell phone and began to walk in the direction of the NecroTech facility.

"I hope this isn't another dead end," Markus muttered, " We need to find out how this happened."

Markus trotted up the hill to the building; at the top of the hill he could see the facility. He began to travel down the hill when a body came crashing through the window.

"What's going on in there," Markus shouted into the walkie talkie, " I'm coming down!"

He ran down the hill as fast as he could as he pulled out his two SMGs from the belt on his waist.

"There are like thirty of them down here," he heard from the walkie talkie," We need backup quick!"

"I'm on my way," Markus replied, "hold on!"

He ran down the hill and when he reached the facility he jumped through the shattered window and shot the nearest zombie right between the eyes.

"Ah," a scream erupted from the facility's interior, "Get back!"

Markus turned in the direction of the scream and ran toward it. He had been trained in various martial arts techniques and weapon handling, so he easily made his way through the zombie front. He spun around and broke one's neck with a powerful kick. He turned and began shooting at a few of the undead corpses. He spotted a group of about seven zombies all encircling one small area.

"Jack and Raze," Markus gasped, "I'm coming!"

He ran toward the circle of living dead and began shooting at them with his dual SMGs. He jumped up and smashed one in the head with his foot, and then he spun around and whipped one in the face with his gun. He beat them back and began squeezing off the last of his mag into their rotting brains. He ejected his empty mags and swung his guns down to his belt where his other clips were. He slid them in and pushed them inside of the gun using the handles. He raised them up and blasted back the rest of the attacking zombies trying to come into the room and devour them. He finished them off, then silence.

"They're gone," he sighed, "Jack, Raze, are you alright?

"I'm fine," Raze replied, "But, um...Jack..."

"I've been bitten," Jack finished, " Just end it Markus, before I turn."

Markus put his foot on Jack's chest and aimed his SMG at his head.

"I'm sorry," Markus whispered as he slowly pulled the trigger.

A bang that echoed throughout the facility, then silence.

"Damn," Markus sighed, "Hey Raze, contact home base and tell them the area is clear and that we are gonna investigate the NecroTech Facility that we found, and that Jack is down."

"Markus," Raze began, "Jack, he..."

"It's fine," Markus interrupted, "Let's go before the others get here, we need to look for some evidence of how all of this happened, then maybe we can learn how to stop it from continuing on."

"Alright then," Raze replied," Let's go."

Raze was a skilled gun battler, his signature weapon is the machine gun. He was bald, very tall, and he always seemed to be happy, except right now. He just wanted to get back home, so he hurried up their search. They carefully checked through every room of the facility for any kind of evidence to how the zombie outbreak started. As usual, when hope began to build up, they found nothing, and the hope came crashing down.

"Another dead end," sighed Markus, "Well at least we got a few new provision stocks from those restaurants and grocery stores that we found."

"Yeah," replied Raze, "But we don't know what else is out there beyond this point. There could be hundreds of them out there just waiting for us to venture off into their territory. We should call in Viktor."

Viktor Skell was the best sniper in the entire New York City resistance group. He had trained as a sniper since he was very young. He was the best of the best, the elite. He was perfect for the job of scouting ahead to see if it was safe to venture farther into the city. The resistance leaders believe that there is a giant NecroTech facility right in the center of New York City. They think that there may be some real evidence of the zombie outbreak there.

Markus ran a search on NecroTech on the archive computers at the resistance base. A file came up.

"Damn," Markus sighed, "The file is blocked, I'll try to hack in."

Markus had skills in computer hacking and found the encryption codes for the file within a minute. He put them in. The file was unlocked and he found some valuable information about NecroTech. It seems that they did illegal testing on humans using dangerous chemicals and viruses. Then, suddenly, pictures of a room filled with doctors and needles and knifes flew across his mind. He saw a quick glimpse of a doctor holding a syringe with blue liquid, he saw his face, and then, he came back to reality.

He informed the resistance leaders Marrow and Locke of the file. They said that they would look into it. He was heading to the roof of the newly found NecroTech facility to meet Viktor. Raze, Vo, and Vamp would be there too. Vo Gia had trained in gun fighting with Vill Char, one of the resistance leaders, before the outbreak. Vill is the best gun battler out of all five of the resistance leaders. She is angst, so most people try to stay on her good side.

Vamp is the best martial arts fighter and the fastest warrior in the resistance. He was found fighting over fifty zombies with his bare hands. He had ripped out some of their throats and sucked their blood with his fangs that are bigger than most people's. He killed them all. He does not remember his name, or anything about his past, just like Markus. They decided to name him Vamp because of his nature.

Markus had shown Vamp the file before going to meet Viktor. Vamp had a blurry flashback of a hospital just like Markus's vision. They believe that NecroTech had a much deeper meaning than they first caught on.

The group of five grabbed sniper rifles out of the gun rack and headed to the roof. Viktor's rifle had been personally customized to his liking. They all lined up on the edge of the rooftop and used the far view of the rifles to look towards the center of the city. None of them reported seeing anything until Vamp, with his quick eyes, spotted something out of the corner of his rifle's lens. It was a human walking down the street holding a small pistol. He was looking around and shaking violently.

Vo ran into the base and shot a flare into the sky to alert the human where they were. He saw it and began running towards the resistance stronghold. He stopped paying attention to his surroundings and a horde of at least ten zombies came out of the shadows. More were coming out by the minute.

The group of snipers was trying to help the human by shooting the zombies that were attacking him. A resistance truck burst out of the gates and a machine gunner on the roof was blowing away all of the attacking zombies. The truck made it to the man and helped him in. The machine gunner mutilated the last of the attacking zombies. Viktor noticed hundreds of faces looking out of many windows in a small circle of buildings. In the center was a giant NecroTech facility. Perhaps the one the resistance leaders were looking for.

The people in the windows looked human; so the group ran down to tell the resistance leaders of the hundreds of people in the circle of buildings. They began organizing all of the resistance members and handing out weapons. They were going to storm the NecroTech facility. They really believed that this time they would find some answers. Everyone was anxious.

The truck erupted into the base and the medic team came and got the human to take to the medical facility. His skin was slightly bluish, which struck the medics as quite odd. They took him to the treating center and ran several tests. His vital signs were normal, but his organs were changed, and his immune system was evolved, just like Markus and Vamp. They left him alone and went to join the others in the mission to the NecroTech facility.

That guy looks kind of familiar, Vamp remarked, Oh well, lets go.

The entire resistance group left in trucks and cars to rescue the people in the small circle of buildings. The only ones that remained were ten guards, the medics, the watch guard, and the man who said his name was Reck. The vehicles sped towards the circle of buildings where the hundreds of people were staying. In Markuss jeep were his normal crew, Viktor, Raze, Vo, and Vamp. The resistance leaders had their own truck; in it were Locke, Marrow, Vill, Mote, and Terra. All of the other resistance members were really anxious to explore the gigantic facility. Vamp didnt even bring a gun; he had with him his katana, the only possession that was with him when he was found by the resistance. Vo brought her favorite, her chain gun. Raze brought his machine gun, Viktor brought his customized sniper rifle, recently he added a machine gun feature if he wasnt using it to snipe, and Markus brought his two SMGs. They were prepared for the worst.

They reached the facility and surrounded it with the resistance vehicles. Everyone was getting out of the trucks and slowly making their way to the huge facility. They slowly opened the door and in the room sat over three hundred people. They rose up and followed Motes gestures to follow them into the vehicles outside. They loaded the refugees onto the cars and started back to base.


Reck woke up and noticed that no one was there. He tried to get up, but he was tied to the operating table. He looked around and noticed various knives and syringes and containers of chemicals. It brought him painful memories of him inside of a NecroTech facility. There were surgeons and doctors everywhere. He looked over and a nurse came to him and handed him a syringe with blue liquid in it. He opened his eyes and he was back in resistance headquarters, then, his eyes widened and he went out of control and started thrashing and jerking around until he broke the ties that bound him to the operating table. He jumped up just as all of the medics burst into the room. He charged at them and slashed the closest one across the face with his claws. He beat them all back and killed them all. The last one pulled the alarm right before Reck ripped out his throat. He began feasting on their flesh and ate happily until the ten guards burst through the door with their red gun lasers aimed at him. He growled and ran at one of them with his claws raised high. The guard jumped out of the way and instead of the guard Reck hit the power box.

The lights flickered out and Reck ran at the guards furiously. Gunshots flew in all directions and screams erupted from the guards as Reck ripped their flesh apart. After a few moments there was utter silence. Recks eyes glinted in the darkness as he left the room to kill that last one, the watch guard, Amelia.

Amelia watched for zombies and would mercilessly kill any trespassers on site. She was skilled in using sniper rifles and shotguns. Her favorite weapon was the shotgun. She always had hers at her side. She hadnt seen any trespassing zombies in two days. She was extremely bored. She radioed in to the guards telling them that she was going on a break. They didnt answer. She grabbed her shotgun and slowly inched towards the door. She stopped suddenly when the knob began to turn. She ran behind the door with her shotgun raised. It swung open, and Reck walked out. She let out a sigh of relief, but swallowed it as she saw him drag out the body of a guard. He lay it down and began feasting on it. She gasped, but quickly covered her mouth so she couldnt be heard. He turned in her direction and quickly scanned the area. He turned back to his meal and began to devour its flesh.

Amelia crouched down and turned her head aside in horror and disgust. Reck sensed this movement and jumped to his feet and began charging toward Amelias hiding place behind the door. She stood up and screamed in horror, accidentally pulling the trigger of her trusted shotgun. She cringed thinking that she was about to die.

There was nothing but silence. She opened her eyes to see Reck lying on the floor, with half of his head blown off. His brains were spewed across the floor. There was blood all over the ground. She sighed a sigh of relief, and made her way down the stairs to the elevator.

The resistance vehicles pulled into the car garage. They helped all of the people out and led them to the mess hall so they could fill their empty stomachs. Amelia was in the main hall, blood spewed across her vest. They ran up to her, to hear her horrible story of what happened to the medics and guards.

Amelia, Locke said, surprised, What happened? Why are you covered in blood?

Reck, she began, shakily, Reck killed everyone, all of the medics, all of the guards, they are all dead, everyone. Hehe ate them. He came up for me, but I killed him.

Where is he, Terra asked, Where is Reck?

Hes on the roof, Amelia replied, Its a mess up there.

They all went up the elevator to the roof. They slowly walked out of the elevator and up the stairs. Once they reached the door, they slowly and carefully went through it. There was blood all over the place, and some brains spewed across the ground, but there was no sign of Recks body.

Butbut, Amelia said in astonishment, He was right there! How can he be gone? He was lying right there!

Vamp looked over the edge of the building to see Reck burst through the door with the three hundred refugees following him toward the NecroTech facility.

Guys, look, Vamp began, Look over here!

What is it Vamp? asked Viktor.

All of the refugees from the area, Vamp started, Theyre following Reck to the NecroTech facility.

Marrow and the other resistance leaders radioed everyone to get guns and pile into the cars and head toward the NecroTech facility. They told them to take extra care. There would surely be a fight. They needed to be ready for the worst. The worst is what the wished wouldnt be waiting for them in the NecroTech building.

The vehicles busted through the gates one after another. The truck in the lead was the resistance leaders truck, and the jeep right behind it was Markuss car. Amelia was with them. They brought all of the weapons they had because they knew that there was going to be a gun battle. The trucks came to a stop right outside of the NecroTech building, everyone slowly got out of their cars, one by one. On the front line was the resistance leaders and Markuss crew. They placed a charge on each side of the door. Vill flipped the switch and the charges blew up, shattering the double doors. They all rushed in with weapons raised, the red lights above their guns shining into the darkness. The smoke cleared and every member of the resistances eyes widened and their jaws dropped in disbelief. All of the three hundred plus refugees had become bluish like Reck, zombified. All of them had become flesh eating mindless beasts, but they werent mindless at all. They had become just like Reck. They were zombies, but they still had their intelligence. They all gave a devilish grin and began to growl in anger. Reck was standing in front of them all, half of his head gone, but still standing. He jumped forward and his creatures followed him.

Gunshots were blazing in all directions. Body parts were flying across the room; zombies were tearing off flesh and feasting on it. Markus and Vamp spotted a door that led to the lower labs. They ran toward it, Markus blasting the zombies ahead, Vamp slashing off heads and limbs. As soon as they reached the zombie front they jumped up and side flipped over the attacking undead. Markus blasted them in the head and Vamp slashed them apart. They landed and ushered the rest of the group to follow. Vo used her chain gun to blast her way through the zombies to get to the door. Raze, Viktor, and Amelia followed her while killing as many undead creatures as they could on the way.

Marrow say them all leave and ordered that everyone defend the door and not let any zombies into the lower labs. They understood and moved to defend the door, but they couldnt hold them all off long.

The group of five slowly and carefully made their way down the many steps to the lower labs. Once they got to the bottom of the steps, there was nothing. They were surrounded by wall.

II dont understand, said Vo, astonished, How could there be nothing?

I dont know, answered Markus, Hey, Vamp, what are you doing?

Vamp was groping around on the wall, trying to find something.

Found it, smirked Vamp.

He pushed in a brick and the wall in front of them rose up and vanished into the wall above them.

Good job, Vamp, remarked Raze.

Yeah, added Viktor, Where would we be without you Vamp?

Vamp gave a devilish smile and ushered them into the room. They carefully walked through the doorway. Viktor pressed some kind of button on the wall, and the lights turned on, one row of lights at a time. Their jaws dropped in awe and disgust. The room was filled with deadly chemical and dangerous poison containers, and there were people, tied down to tables, deformed. There were computers all over flashing with details about human mutations and biological weapons. The biggest computer in the room had a disk sticking out of the drive. It was a recorded message.

Markus pushed the disk in and waited a few seconds, then a face flashed onto the giant computer screen. The man was the scientist whom Markus and Vamp had seen in their lost memories. They both fell into a trance.

They saw this room. The doctor had them tied down to tables, and other medics were examining other people that were on operating tables. One medic filled two syringes with blue liquid and handed them to the head doctor. He came over to them with the syringes in hand. He whispered something to a nurse, but Markus couldnt understand it. Then, he stuck the needle in Markuss neck and injected him with the mysterious blue substance. It hurt, and then Markus passed out. The doctor walked over to Vamp and injected him with the other syringe. Vamp passed out as well.

They both came back to reality at the same time, and they both gasped for air. They shared their strange tale with the others and they all began looking around for clues. They found the tables that Markus and Vamp recognized as the ones that they were tied to. The people tied to them were now dead, but not just dead, mutated. They had been transformed into something not human. Some had strange growths or changes to their bodies. Some has skin that was as hard as a rock. There were some horrible mutations as well. Some people had body parts missing or extra limbs. One person had eleven eyes. They all were disgusted at what mankind could do to itself. Then, they all turned suddenly to the giant computer screen when they heard a voice emanating from it.

The doctor on the screen began to talk. He said:

What have we done? We have forsaken mankind. The world is over. How could we have done this? We shouldnt have tried to play god, and for that, we were punished. I am the lead scientist of NecroTech labs. Recently, we have been doing experiments with dangerous chemicals and lethal poisons. Illegal experiments. We have been trying to make biological weapons to try to help us in war. They would be extremely enhanced. They would be smarter, faster, and stronger. We have tried to help the world by making everyone better. This would end hunger and crime. People would also be less susceptible to disease. The world would be a better place to live. We thought all of this would help the world, but our early experiments were complete failures. Some test subjects did become better, but most died, and then came back to life. They were becoming zombies. The ones that turned into zombies were studied extensively. Those humans were not better; they just became savage, killing machines. In one study, one of them escaped from its holding cell. It bit two of our head scientists. It was killed, but the two scientists that had been bitten began to change. We did not realize at first, because we were too involved with our studies. Then, the two scientists that were bitten just collapsed one day at the lab and died. We thought that if one bit you, you might be infected, but it could be healed. We never thought that you could become one of them after being bitten. They came back to life. They attacked the other scientists. One was killed immediately by an injection of poison, and the other one was put in a holding cell. It became too hostile, and was killed as well. Once we realized how dangerous our experiments had become, we decided to shut down our facilities. We destroyed all evidence of any of this ever happening. Our enhanced test subjects had their memories erased, there were only two, subjects 14 and 15. One got enhanced muscle size and all of the cells in his body were super charged. The other became something just like a vampire. Fangs, darker skin color, claw like nails, and when he goes into his super mode his eyes glow the faintest red. They were released and we know nothing of their current locations. The zombies in the holding cells were killed one by one by injections. One scientist sent to inject one was bitten, but it was a small bite, he told no one of this. He turned into one of those on the last day we were to be here destroying evidence. That happened earlier. He bit everyone but me. I have barricaded myself in this room, but they will eventually get in. I am leaving this message to notify the world what could happen if this isnt stopped before it grows too big and becomes unstoppable. The zombies have been injected with chemicals to enhance them, so, they will evolve, and they will evolve fast. They will evolve much faster than we evolved into humans. The only way to stop them is oh no, they broke through! Stay back! Stay back! Ahhhhh!

The scientist fired at some with his small pistol. He put the gun up to his head to kill himself. He pulled the trigger, but the pistol clip was empty. The creatures overwhelmed him and began to feast upon his flesh. All that could be heard was his screams of terror, and the moans and groans of the zombies attacking him.

The group turned their heads aside in disgust. Markus ejected the disk.

He didnt have time, sighed Markus, He didnt have time to tell us how to stop them.

Maybe the way to stop them is still in this room, suggested Viktor.

Yeah, accepted Vo, Could be!

I dont think so, remarked Raze, He said that they destroyed all of the evidence.

And that scientist, began Vamp, That scientist isReck. He must have been enhanced as well, but since he was bit by the zombies, he turned into one, it just took more time for his enhanced immune system to give up to the virus.

But he said that the scientist that was bit and didnt tell anyone just turned suddenly, began Viktor, They may not have had time to get rid of every last bit of evidence. There may be some left, like that computer over there with the information on biological weapons and stuff.

Yeah, remarked Markus, We could check that out, it may have some information. He could have left it on purpose to help anyone who came try and find the way how to stop them!

Then, dozens of screams were heard from above, and then something started to pound furiously on the door. The group ran to the computers and began frantically searching through all of the information. None of them found anything. Then Amelia ushered them to her computer and look at what she had found. There was a file called Retribution on the computer screen. The file read:

In case of an outbreak of undead, the only way to defeat them is to use the blue enhancing serum hidden underneath the floor tile in the southwest corner of this room. Inject exactly O.5cc directly into the bloodstream through the arm or neck. This exact amount will develop and change normal humans into super human warriors. This is the only way that we found that could kill them all. Nuclear weaponry could kill them, but it would no doubt destroy the last of humanity. Nuclear weaponry is the very last option if the serum fails. Using the serum is the only way to keep human kind from become extinct.

Well guys, started Markus, Vamp and I have already been enhanced by the serum. It all depends on whether you want to or not.

Im in, said Raze without a single hesitation. Ive been in this with you since the beginning Markus, and Im not quitting on you now.

Thanks Raze, understood Markus.

How about you guys, asked Vamp.

Ill do it, replied Viktor, Im not giving it up here.

And you two, asked Markus.

Im in, Amelia and Vo said in unison, Lets do it!

More and more banging could be heard from above them, so the group tried to make it quick. They took extreme care in getting the exact amount of serum. They asked the others again if they were sure about going through with this. They all said yes without hesitation. Markus and Vamp injected the others, and then they all huddle up at the farthest corner of the room. Then, Amelia suddenly remembered the bombs that were planted on the far walls of the giant lobby area above them that was now filled with hundreds of undead creatures. They knew that even though they have been made super human, they couldnt hold them all off forever, and they wouldnt be fighting normal zombies, they are enhanced as well, they are not enhanced as much, or as strong and fast, but they have intelligence, which zombies were never thought of as having. They had been turned by Reck, who had evolved, just like he said they would.

Amelia checked her pockets for the bomb switch. She didnt have it. Then, she remembered handing it off to Locke before she went into the lower labs with the others. They were alone now, they didnt have the switch, and they were about to fight hundreds of undead creatures. The banging quickly got worse and worse, the zombies were about to get through. They raised their weapons and aimed them at the door. The door burst open and the zombies flooded into the lower labs of the home base of NecroTech, the place where all of this started.

The creatures rushed into the room with great speed, rushing toward their wonderful feast. They didnt expect that their foes would be much more powerful than they were. Markus blasted his way through many of the undead, using his martial arts as well. Viktor seemed to have extremely enhanced muscles and cells in his arms, because he very easily broke necks, tore off limbs, and bashed in skulls with his fists. Amelia blew off giant chunks of body parts with her shotgun, she also used it as a weapon, hitting them in the head, and breaking their bones. Vo used her legs a lot to kick and use gymnastic techniques. She would also do martial arts techniques that she learned from Vill. It seemed that all of Razes muscles in his entire body had been enhanced, because he used all types of physical combat to battle the attacking zombies. Vamp stuck to his usual of clawing and ripping out parts. His favorite technique was to rip out throats and cut off heads with his trusted katana. Every once in a while, he would bite necks and suck some blood; it seemed to give him some strength for fighting.

They were fighting with all of their heart, but it seemed that they were slowly becoming weaker and weaker. They would never give up, but they were slowly being pushed back into the farthest corners of the room. Then, they heard a shout from above. Someone yelled, DUCK!!!

It sounded like Locke! They slid a desk in front of them and another on top of them. They still were shooting at the zombies that were trying to get into their small stronghold. Then, they heard the sound of an explosion from above; they all ducked down and closed their eyes. Bodies flew in all directions, limbs were flung all over the room, and zombies were shrieking in terror. They waited a few moments and slowly looked up over the desk. The smoke cleared and they saw the bodies of the hundreds of zombies lying all over the floor, blood everywhere. They slowly, one by one, walked out of their small barricade and into the center of the room.

Locke, started Amelia, He did it!

Guys, began Markus, We have to get out of here. We should take the serum and that disk that tells how to make more serum. We should take off to the other side of New York to find the other resistance group. We havent contacted them in over two weeks.

They all agreed and gathered up the remaining serum and the disk. They left the room one by one. Markus was the last to leave. On his way to the door, something moved underneath the rubble. Out crawled the completely mutilated body of Reck. Without any hesitation Markus pulled out his SMG and blasted him right in the center of the head. His body collapsed onto the ground, dead. They exited the building. Outside they saw their jeep, still in the same place where they had parked it. Suddenly, a completely blue zombie crawled out from inside of the building and jumped on Vo, who was holding the disk. She turned just in time to dodge it, but it hit the disk out of her hand. It landed on the ground and shattered into pieces. In anger, Vo smashed its head with her powerful foot and crushed its skull. They all had the saddest, most depressed look on their faces. Then, people, humans, began to walk out of the surround apartment buildings and office buildings. They inched slowly toward the group and surround them.

They, began Viktor, They're human!

They piled the survivors into the trucks and jeeps and set off to find the other resistance group.



One of the resistance groups was gone, but there were survivors to keep its memory alive. They would find the others. They were going to find them, find a way to create more of the serum, and since the zombies were evolving, then so would the humans. They would make sure of that. The architects of this outbreak were now dead, but when they were human they tried to contain the outbreak from leaving the place of origin, and they failed. Their experiments, or successors, Markus, Vamp, Viktor, Amelia, Vo, and Raze would be able to save mankind. They would stop the apocalypse from going any farther, and maybe, humanity would be able to start over.

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Happy Nightmares
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Jul 14, 2007 @ 06:37pm
I love it! <3

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