Its all I can do Not to slap the bitches that pick on me And my friends everyday.
I would love to show them What they are doing when they pick on someone, Do you know how many deaths that has lead to?
They only care about themselves, Those vain, horrid bitches, If I could hurt them, I swear I would!
Do they cry when we die, Do they worry that they hurt us, Hell no they don't!
I don't hold anything against them, So why do they continuously torture me? What have I done to them?
Am I different In a way that they do not like, If I seem too sinister, that should be there cue to stop.
The preps always end up dead, When someone goes insane, They are the first to go.
That should be a sign! They need to stop! Or do they want to end up dead!?!
I do not care for their welfare, I'll laugh if they get shot, They were the ones to hurt me first!
Now, I won't shoot them, Nor will I wish it upon them, But if it happened, I would be thankful.
I am sorry if I seem cold blooded, but they are more cold blooded than I, They have made my middle school days a living hell!
I manage to ignore them most of the time, But their words still cut deep, And for them to taunt my friends too!
I hate it when my friends agree, It makes me cry, They are not gothic, fat, anorexic, nor ugly!
I hate being their entertainment, But if I must be, Well, then I'll put on a show!
Rosemary Tsuki · Thu Jun 07, 2007 @ 11:32pm · 0 Comments |