heart I figure and easy way to get myself out of this rut is to change my life style a bit. Tonight I have decided will be the last night I stay up past 10:00 pm. I will start giving myself a bedtime so that I don't have to deal with being tired, hopefully this will kick me back into gear. You see, by doing this I hope to kick my mind and body into the old school-like function it was so use too. Of course, normally I would get bored because that leaves me with nothing to do in the hours where normally I have school, but then I can simply just switch those hours with my reading, getting active, and writing hours.
heart I'm sorry again for ranting, but you know the old saying "Put what you feel in writing and your emotions will fall into peace" or something like that rolleyes . Now I think I should be nice and put up a the back of the ONE(yeah that's how bad I'm doing, instead of my usual FIVE its ONE!) book I'm reading. Also I think I'm going to start posting poems from my favorite poem book Bear Hugs. Yes its incredibly sappy, but I enjoy it.
ninja Naoar
ninja Naoar
Community Member
It's also really good that you're trying to keep yourself motivated!! that's definitely one
of my problems!! I want to do things but when it comes down to it and can't find a reason to get it done....then i end up half-assing it...so good luck^^