On here are all the pictures that i've bought as well as the ones friends have drawn for me of my avatar. I'll update this when I get more ^^
These are all by Darkest Revolution, here the link to his Art Shop. ^.^
the first one was paid for by Altriangel as a surpirse! The second is a christmas present from [Midnight_Sun]. Thankyou both <3. And the third and forth are gifts! *glomps*
J i b r i l saw my avatar and drew me this as a gift- thankyou so much! I love it heart Clicky to go to her art shop! ^.^
I bought this from Whizky heart Here is a link to her art shop arrow
I bought these recently from xcrimsonlegendx, heres a link to his South Barton Shop ^^
My vampire avatars! Drawn By Path to Dawn
I bought this from HeLeNi'S aRt shOp
And she gifted me this! <3
Drawn by xxLiLEviLAnGeLxx - heres the link to her store: .::ChibiHeadshots::.
I bought this from [`Rissalicious`] Click to go to her store arrow
And this one is by [Midnight_Sun]
And Crackling drew me this!
Ellie teh Magnificent made an avatar edit for me with my favorite orphans! Cat boy who sits in the same way as L and Near-in-a-box. Gaia says his name is Delmer but i know hes really a character from DeathNote. scream
I'm turning into an obsessed fan girl T.T. Thankyou! <3
Thanks Everyone ^^
And lastly an example of my own rubbish art! my Halloween avatar...
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