heart Hello! How is everyone doing these days? My life is going fine, And I'm finally starting to get some of my spunk back in me. I finished
Two Suns in the Sky by Miriam Bat-Ami. I find it to be a very good book that touch some interesting points. It really showed what it was like for these refugees and how life was like for a girl growing up in the time of World War II. I found it to be pulling on my emotions quite a bit during the time that I read it and while I didn't burst out in tears my eyes still watered and found myself placed into a very melancholy state of mind. Also, on the day I finished
Two Suns in The Sky, I found myself getting a call from a dear friend(who we will call idiot and I say that with all due respect) who was at Walden Books with important news. I am currently reading a manga series called Airgear and only owned volumes one through two, but my friend had spotted volumes three and four at the store. She was willing enough to hold onto them while I hurried over to buy them. They were the only copies of the volumes at the store and I would have had to order them if someone else had bought those copies and I
HATE waiting for orders to come in. Luckily, I got there in time and was able to buy them.
pirate Some of you may remeber me posting the back of a book by Justin Somper called
Vampirates: Demons of the Ocean. Well good news friends, while getting the two mangas I also spotted and got the second book in Somper's series,
Vampirates: Tide of Terror. I bought the hard back version(only kind there
sweatdrop ) and quite frankly I prefer the preview on the inside of the removable sleeve rather then the one on the back so I will be posting that one later.
heart If anyone cares to know I also got this month edition of Shonen Jump. Well, I don't know much news other then that so I will let you go while I finish the rest of Vampirates 2.
cool Naoar