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Kyon' s personal poem
I will write mostly poems in here. Please don't steal the poems that I have written and put my heart into.
Kyon and Kase

Boom there was a loud crash as Kyon was picked up by her long dark brown hair and thrown against her bedroom wall in her dimly lit bedroom. The back of her head was dripping with blood, which was splattered across her whole wall beside her desk and left a trail of blood as she slid down. The young man picked Kyon up by her hair. "This is so much fun," he laughed with pleasure. He brought his voice to a softer tone and said, "no one will come for you, you’re all alone. Your little boyfriend can't help you."

He slowly released her from his grasp. Kyon scrambled to her bed and picked up her cell phone. She fumbled with the numbers because she was so scared and her whole body was shaking. Kyon left Kase a message saying, "HELP ME!" she hoped with all her heart that it would reach him in time. Kyon quickly tried to call the police after she left the message with Kase. The young man approached closer holding a knife in his hands. He yanked her cell phone out of her hands and tossed it onto her big comfy chair in her room. The young man was now pointing the big knife at her ready to kill her. Kyon slowly backed up against a wall with fear in her eyes.

Kase wondering what the message from her was about drove as fast as he could to her house. He parked his car in her driveway and came running in through the opened front door which was almost off its hinges. He continued running up the stairs as fast as he could towards her bedroom. He finally got to her bedroom and saw her unconscious with her hand holding a towel to her head, which was stained with blood. He wrestled and got the knife out of the attacker's hands.

He punched the young man and tied his hands together using Kyon's brown sash that her friend had given her. He later found some rope and undid the brown sash and re-tied him up. He got out his cell phone that matched hers perfectly, except for the cute little keychain that Kyon had attached to her cell phone. He quickly called the cops and told them what had just happened. The cops said that they were on there way and that an ambulance was coming.

Kase gently picked Kyon up in his arms, brushing her hair away from her face. By now the bleeding had stopped. He began to blush a little for she looked so cute even though she was unconscious. He kissed her gently on the lips. Kyon slowly began to open her eyes. She began to blush a little for she was in Kase's arms and he had just kissed her. She mumbled I want to take a shower. He carried her all the way up to her room and set her down on her bed.
Kase then cleaned up her room for her. He first made her bed because her blankets were thrown on her floor and there where many creases in her sheets. Then he cleaned up the blood stained wall. The wall beside Kyon’s desk was covered with so much of her blood. He was sad to see her blood stained on the wall. He clenched his fist and swore that he would always keep her safe. After that, he went down stairs and making sure the door of the house was fixed. He cleaned up a little bit of her house too making sure that it was presentable when the police came.

She got out of the shower and got dressed. She opened the door and Kase went over to her making sure she was ok and that nothing happened to her. At that moment they heard the siren of a cop and ambulance car followed by a sharp knock. Kase walked downstairs with Kyon holding her hand. He let go of her hand and opened the door. The cops untied the ropes on the young man and hand cuffed him saying that they were trying to catch him for a while and put him back in jail.

Before they put him into the cop car they made him say why he wanted to kill Kyon. It turns out the young man that tried to kill Kyon attends high school with her. He loved Kyon so much and was devastated when he saw Kyon with Kase. He was nervous to tell Kyon that he liked her. He spent many days gazing at Kyon from afar longing to be by her side everyday. He was tired of always having his heart ripped out. He had cried over her for endless days and couldn't sleep properly because Kyon was the only thing on his mind. Kyon admitted that he was kind of cute, but asked him "Why would you kill me then?"

He replied "If I can't have you no one can!" She replied "You will find the one you love in time. I’m sure that someone in our school loves you a lot. Don’t give up on love yet.” He said, “You were the only one I truly loved!" Those were the last words he said sadly to Kyon before the cops pushed him into the cop car. Kyon felt a little bad for him because he wasn’t able to tell Kyon his true feelings. Kyon thought, “I shouldn’t be thinking that now, I should think about the situation in front of me.”

The paramedics came over to where Kase and Kyon were standing they told her that they would have to see if there was any internal damage to her brain. Kase picked her up and laid her gently on the stretcher since Kyon was having trouble walking. He helped to carry the stretcher into the ambulance and sat down next to her holding her hand hoping with all his heart nothing was wrong with her brain.

When they arrived at the hospital she was rushed to a medical room right away. The doctors and nurses let Kase be in the room with her as they numbed her head and stitched it up. After that they did a whole bunch of tests and scans to see if she was alright. The doctors said that she was fine and that she should stay a night to slowly regain the massive loss of blood and that she was lucky to be alive.

She took some pain killers and went to bed. Kase brought up a chair and held her hand looking at her while she was sleeping and blushed for the second time. He felt so week blushing at her while she slept. He felt so helpless, but he was always like this around her. He slowly began to fall asleep holding her hand still and lying his head down beside her hand. They both slept like this without a sound uttered.

The next morning Kase awoke to the sound of Kyon's voice saying, "Wake up sleepy head." He immediately opened his eyes and saw her dark brown eyes gleaming in front of him. Kyon was bent over wearing a brown t-shirt sweater and a purple tang top underneath and dark blue jeans. She was also wearing her gold necklace and bracelet and her two charm bracelets. Kase began to blush a little and said, "You look fantastic!"
He was so glad that he had managed to pack some of her clothes and accessories for her before the ambulance and police car came. He got up from his chair and moved closer to her. "You smell wonderful!" Kase said smiling at her." "I just took a shower," Kyon replied. He began to gently kiss her lips. Kyon blushed for she loved when he showed his affection for her. "I want to take you somewhere special," Kase said looking at her waiting for her expression.

YAY, I want to go shopping" she cried out for joy. She began twirling around excitedly, but was starting to fall since she had spun around to much. Kase caught her just in time and kissed her on the lips again. He smiled and picked her up placing her on the bed and asked if she was ok. She stood up slowly and said "I’ll be fine Kase.” He drove her to the mall. He wanted this day to be special for her. They had spent five months together and he wanted to celebrate.

He wished he could have done this yesterday, but his plans were pushed back thanks to the young man that tried to kill her. Kyon went to a lot of stores and tried on a lot of outfits. All of which he loved seeing her in. He especially loved the last outfit she picked because it was so like her. The outfit consisted of long black jeans, a red shirt, a white tang top underneath the red shirt and a long black sweater. He paid for all the clothes that she wanted and carried all her stuff for her.

They went to a jewelry store after and she tried on a whole bunch of rings to figure out her ring size. Kyon loved all the ones she tried on. She went to look at a few others, while she was doing that Kase bought her a ring he thought would be best for her. It was white gold with the words "I love you" on the outside and the words "we will always be together" on the inside. It had a small diamond centre. He later got the inside words changed to "Kase loves Kyon forever." She just finished looking at the other rings and trying them. She next moved on to the necklaces and bracelets trying all of them on. She finally decided on getting a while gold locket necklace and a white gold bracelet. She loved white gold a lot.

She asked Kase if she could go to chapters and he nodded his head and smiled at her. She browsed around in the manga section and ended up buying her favorite manga books. She loved reading manga a lot and they were the only books she really read. Kase smiled at her and asked if she wanted to go anywhere else. Kyon smiled back at him and said just a few more places. She went to a whole bunch of shoe stores and tried on some really nice sneaker type shoes. She ended up buying a pair of black heels and some white sneaker like shoes that had pink stripes on them.

They next went to Tim Horton’s and got her hot chocolate with whipped cream on top. She loved hot chocolate so much and one of the few drinks she would drink a lot. After that Kyon said that she was tried and wanted to go home. Kase and Kyon walked out of the mall holding hands. He opened the trunk and helped her put all her bags in it. He opened the passenger side for her and helped her in then shut her door for her. Then he got in and started up his car which was a silver Honda Toyota. Kyon turned her head to the right and laid her head on the head rest.

She was so tired and slept a little while Kase drove her home. She slowly opened her eyes and saw that she was at her house. Kase got out of his seat and opened the door. He walked around to her side and opened her door for her and helped her out. He walked her up to her house. "I had a really great time," Kyon said happily." "I m glad you had a wonderful time," Kase replied. He leaned in to kiss her. She closed her eyes and leaned forward a little for him to kiss her.

She began to blush a little and waved as he got into his car to go home. After he left she found a small picture she had of them together and cut the faces into small hearts so it could fit inside her white gold locket that she just bought. She wore her locket all the time. She decided to take a bath to relax a little, have a light supper and then go to bed for she had no plans tonight, not knowing that Kase had planned a surprise for her. She got out of the shower and heard her cell phone vibrate against the counter wear her clothes were. She picked up the phone and saw it was Kase trying to reach her. She flipped open her cell phone. "Hey Kyon," Kase said."
"Hey Kase, she replied.” I m going to take you somewhere fancy, can you be ready in a few minutes" Kase replied" "Sure, and nice timing" Kyon replied" "What do you mean nice timing?" Kase asked. "I just got out of the shower she said still wrapped in her white towel." Kase began to blush a little and was glad that she couldn't see his face. "My bad," he said. "That’s ok Kase. I’m going to get dressed now and I’ll see you in a few minutes," Kyon replied. "Alright see you later and I hope nothing happens to you" Kase replied.

Kyon hung up and changed into her black dress she had bought, it was cut at different angles at the bottom. She put on her white gold bracelet and put her hair in a bun with her white gold hair pins and had a little strand of her hair coming out of her bun. She smiled at the thought of where he was going to take her. They went to a really fancy restaurant. Kase ordered drinks and a starter for both of them.

He saw that Kyon didn't know what to order so he ordered for her and himself. Kyon blushed and looked away from Kase for she was so embarrassed that she couldn’t decide which dish to pick. Kase told her “It s ok, the first time I was here I was overwhelmed.” The waiter came out with their dishes. Kase had ordered Kyon a dish which consisted of escargot, and pasta with shrimp and alfredo sauce. Kase ordered lobster, potato and rice for himself. He let Kyon take some food off his plate.

Kase waited until she was halfway through her meal and took out the ring he had bought her when he took her shopping. It had been concealed in his pants pocket. He put the box in front of her and told her to open it. She opened it and saw the most beautiful ring she had ever seen. He put it on her finger and whispered in her ear, “We are now an engaged couple.” She blushed and smiled at him.

He ordered a strawberry cheesecake for them to share. He watched her happily take spoonfuls of it. He knew everything that would make her happy. He then asked for the bill. He got his coat and grabbed hers and helped her put it on. He then walked her to his car holding her hand, before Kyon got into the car she wrapped her arms around Kase and kissed him.”

When she finished the kiss she said, I love the ring so much!” He then opened the car door for her to get in and closed the door and then went over to his side and got in. She was starring at the ring the whole time he drove her home. He walked her up to her house and kissed her good night. He then asked her if she wanted to move in with him. Kyon hugged him and said yes. She then asked him if he would stay the night with her and he said yes. He walked her into the house and up to her bedroom. He waited on her bed while she changed into her pajamas in the bathroom.

She came out of the bathroom and got into bed. "You look so cute!" Kase said smiling. Kyon blushed and looked at Kase. Kyon got into the bed. She pulled the covers down and layed down on the bed. Kase tucked her in and kissed her forhead. She was really tired and fell to sleep instantly. Kase let her sleep and would never do anything to her that she didn't want him to do. He watched her sleep moving some hair away from her face. She was really tired from what happened and didn't move at all. Kase gently held Kyon's hand and slowly put his arms around her. He smiled at her and slowly held her hands smiling.

Kyon slept peacefully the whole knight. Around 1o in the morning, Kase got up. He went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. He came back and layed down beside her. Kase turned her head to face him and kissed Kyon's lips. Kyon woke up from her nice long rest. She slowly opened her eyes and blushed a little. She blushed for he gently kissed her. His breath smelled nice and minty. It was one of the scents she loved and breathed it in. Kyon still laying down on the bed felt cold. She got up to grab her sweter sitting on the chair. Kase stopped her from getting up. He got up and grabbed her sweater for her.

"Is there anything you need my beautiful princess?" Kase said. Kyon blushed and smiled. Kase had always called her his beautiful princess and goodess. He always tried to do everything he could for her. Kyon hugged him tightly. She loved him so much. "Kase I would like to get changed." Kase replied, "I understand my goodness." He grabbed her clothes that were hanging on her chair and put them on the bed. She got up and went to the bathroom. Kase made her bed for her. He looked in her direction as she was walking toward the bathroom.

"Tell me if you need anything ok and do you want to go anywhere?" Kyon stopped and turned around. "I ll tell you if I need something and let me think about it first Kase." Kase agreed and let her continue to the bathroom to change. Kase patiently waited for her. He sat on the floor outside the bathroom, his back leaning againest the door. Kyon turned on the shower letting the water turn to the right temperture.
She took off her clothes and got it. It felt so nice againest her skin.

Kyon started washing herself and would turn off the water when she didn't need it instead of letting it run. She was done in less than 20 minutes in the shower. She got out and put lotion on her skin. The lotion spelled of strawberrys, which was another scent she really loved. She put on a white tangtop, a red blouse and black flare jeans and black socks. She also put on her jewlery which consisted of her black heart necklace and five charm bracelets.

I’ll continue this story tomorrow; it is going to be just a little bit longer.

User Comments: [4] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Jun 25, 2007 @ 02:30pm
yay i like this story
well maybe i love it
i would do all those things
if they was to happen
all the good ones

commentCommented on: Tue Jun 26, 2007 @ 04:17am
I m glad you like it.
That would be nice.

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jan 16, 2008 @ 09:00pm
*gasp* omg...must read more.... razz its really good so far... razz

commentCommented on: Wed Jan 16, 2008 @ 10:22pm

Community Member
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