Wow! I accually did GOOD on my provincials...
Surprising. My first one, LA part A was SOOOOO horrible. I had to write a story AND a newspaper article in 1 and a half HOURS!!!!! I usually write good stories, but
1 and hour????? WTH is wrong with them!!!!! My story sucked SOOOOOO bad. But my friend Carol wrote a story that took up all 7 pages, and she told me about it. IT WAS SOOOOO INTERESTING!!! Mine was so demented. On my math part A, I got 28 out of 30, it may sound okay but it was so damn easy. Almost everyone could get 100%, they just had to be carefull. I wasn`t
crying .On my LA part B, I did okay. 41 out of 50... so yeah. I suck. On my SS, I got 47 out of 50!!! That was sad, though because the highest was 48.
crying crying On my math part B, I GOT
49 out of 50!!! The highest in grade six, tied with Sophie( pixie823)
mrgreen mrgreen mrgreen My marks improved so much since I got got an an account on exambank, studied and accually checked over my test.
4laugh heart blaugh 3nodding biggrin EDIT: Yaya 46/50 on science test!
3nodding Carol(MeowzMeowz) is soooo good! She got 49/50
Pic by
Irvine Akuji 
Community Member