I've grown an obsession with feedable and breedable pets! I currently have two. I'm going to list them right here. Also to keep me from spending all of my gold, I'm going to limit myself to 1 pet per 5k. So I can buy my next pet once I reach: 15k
I got this one for free! His name is Mervin, and he is almost always starving. I bet he would appreciate it if you fed him
wink Changing:
No, I dind't mess up on the spelling in his name. Cresent was my first changing pet, and I can't wait for him to grow up!
I got this one for free from bumping ^^. I don't think its ever going to grow - the shop closed after only three customers. His name is Sunshine.
Yay! She hatched! She's a female cat. I can't think of any good names for her off the top of my head...
This one is a male fox. I haven't named this one either...
This is my Jackalope, Moonlight. A friend runs the store - you should check it out!
This is my bump-asaurus. He's my first bumping icon, and currently my only.
I got a new one! Yayzers!
mjrinella · Sat Jun 23, 2007 @ 02:25pm · 0 Comments