I have so many ideas, but just not enough gold. Yes I know, now you must be thinking "Oh no here's another thread out to beg for gold", because most of the time I do say that in my head when I lurk around. My current gold balance is a little less than 5k. To create a guild would take 20k gold dubloons.
Every guild I've seen was either inactive(or seemed that way), left to rot in the britches of Davy Jones Locker, or some sort of RP hoo-haa thing. I am not a pirate fanatic if that is you're second thought. Although many would say I am, I just like the thought of sailing to new places not living by any rules, but not too stray into anarchy, just to feel free and have no burden on ye shoulders.
I'll share just one of my ideas for the guild. As many guilds have shown me, they only want certain people in the guild and want to know if they are devoted to keep the guild alive. I don't blame them. Many guilds are created at the spurr of the moment and then die a few weeks/months later because the members grow tired and weary of the same athmosphere. My guild will have, as you say, activities. Just a few surprizes every now and then. We would move as one, grouping together in forums and towns pillageing and plundering. Shareing ale and jokes. Again this isn't a roleplay themed guild, but a more modern everyday swashbuckler. I do also have plans for a first mate. To keep the guild intact, and to make sure there are no fights around the deck.
I would also like to add before I wrap this up, my design for this guild will be voted on the crew, with me giving the final ok of approval. When browsing guilds I've noticed many mistakes in words and falts in pictures. No. Never. Not on my ship. So decide what you may if you would like to join or see this guild come to life. I have others willing to pitch in for this so I know I'm atleast not alone.

heart Thank you so much for reading. heart