Name: Hyuuga, Tekashime
Age: 15
About: I'm timid...I have a wolf tail and a pair of ears to match, my hair is long, smooth, and pitch black, my ears are complete black too....though my tail is black on one side and white on the other...I loves to meet new people and become freinds with them, I'm a huge fan of Naruto (my freinds and family call me Tekashime- the Narutard lol) xp I can get very pissy very easily, so don't mess with me if you don't want ur neck broken (on a bad day that is ^^) I'm not at all mean unless I've had a bad day..I'm almost always friendly!! (PS: I have an older sister....Hyuuga, Hinata... ^^ I luv my big sisi 2 death! but I also envy her stare ...she's got da hottest guy of all...Uzuamki, Naruto i luv u sisi but still...damn u! lol ^^)
~*rawr* Tekashime~ whee
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