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Characters and Creatures
This is the folder where I post up anything that has to do with Role Play characters and creatures that I created. Even a back story here and there.
My main RPC
Siofra Follow Siofra here!
Name Meaning: 'Savior'
Human Name: Einen(Ayn-een) Gaoth (Einen means Little Bird and Gaoth means Wind)
Height: 5 ft. on all fours, 9 ft. on back legs (I'm cutting it down since she's so ridiculously big. D: )
Human height: 5 foot 8 in.
Family: deceased
Race: Werewolf
Gender: Female
Age: 595 (created at the age of 32)
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Birthday: Sept. 15, 1413
Blood Type: 'O' but can't be transferred into another's blood stream for they might become infected with the Were-Disease.
Description: Siofra is a very kind werewolf. She treats everyone with respect and will protect others even when she's dying. She has an oval patch of solid red and yellow fur on her forehead. This patch of fur helps calm others minds and keeps away the darkest memories. She is covered in jewels (like the pic of Sholto) that have a strange power even Siofra hasn't unlocked. She has a dragon amulet that hangs around her neck. It's a silver dragon with a long tail wrapped around a blue sapphire jewel. Its wings are a solid white with an even ocean blue trim around it. She is currently the step-mother of Ayu who is a small brown neko and Sanoka, a half kitsune half human warrior.
Relationships: Step-daughter named Ayu, step-son named Sanoka, and a growing relationship with a dear friend from the past, Ryukotsusei.
Theme: Lavanya - E.S. Posthumus

Currently: Siofra, still in the grasps of the guards of Ruul, was soon taken and bound to a stone column for her trial alongside of Ryukotsusei. The sentence was death for both, but before the royal firing squad could shoot their arrows into Ryukotsusei before Siofra for disconcerting Lady Kee in front of the city, Ryukotsusei's long lost sister, Miya, took the arrows for her brother.As she laid there dying before the bound man, Ryukotsusei became so overwhelmed with rage that he transformed into a monster and broke out of his chains. In his sudden onslaught, Siofra took the chance to free herself and escape most of Ryukotsusei's distructive force.

In the attack from the demon possessed Ryu, Amaterasu was freed from her containment and flew forth to lock herself in battle with the demon. Since the demon was growing stronger with each kill, he easily started to overpower the already weakened spirit guardian. Even as Siofra used her sword of Gabriel-Amar to free Amaterasu from the claws of Ryukotsusei's demon, the spirit eventually died.

Before and after the attack, Ayu managed to escape her foster home (as they believed that Ryu and Siofra were brainwashing her), and made her way down the mountainside, chased by Phoban's hellhounds. As Amaterasu and Ryukotsusei's demon battled higher up the mountain, the effects from their titanic battle caused a rockslide, killing Ayu. Ayu's guardian, Yasashiku, bound after her in the rockslide but could not save her. As he grasped her pure spirit from leaving, the black dragon Amaterasu was in the stable with appeared before the guardian. Yasashiku, addled with grief, acquainted with the black dragon that he would use his own spirit to bring Ayu back to life. In turn, the black dragon, Bonketsu, would take Yasashiku's place as Ayu's guardian. Yasashiku then disappeared into a realm of Unknown with Ayu's spirit, giving Bonketsu the powers of the Guardians.

Bonketsu then flew to the top of the mountain, defeated the demoniacal Ryukotsusei, and flew to Siofra's aid. Siofra, dazed, delirious with exhaustion and covered in burns, could not understand her current situation. Bonketsu then created a portal to wherever he sent Ryukotsusei, and allowed Siofra to choose to go after him. Without any hesitation, besides the stumbling effects of fatigue, Siofra leaped into the portal and was teleported into another area of the world.

Now, Siofra must find out the whereabouts of Ryukotsusei and, with hearing news from Bonketsu, Ayu's spiritually trapped body. Thrown into a world that is crumbling away at the sheer force of a remorseless king, and struggling to survive through a thinly intertwined resistance of demonic repudiates, Siofra must find where Ryukotsusei and Ayu are...

...Before they all die.
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[Picture drawn by me.]

Human Form: Siofra has finally changed into her human form but conceals her form with thick clothing. She was first seen by Sanoka at Haffa's wearing a thick black, sleaveless turtleneck sweater. The turtleneck has a long black hood that covers over her face to below her nose, concealing her face from view. Long black leather gloves go up to the middle of her upper arm. The glove on her left arm is fingerless, a solid gold wedding ring rests on her ring finger in memoir of her husband, Sholto. She wears dark-grey jeans to a little below her knees, knee-high black buckled boots shape her feet and add cover to her body. She wears her brown leather belt (that she also wears in werewolf form) through her belt loops. Pouches and a fairly large dagger hang from her belt though unknown as to why she has never used the weapon.
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*Sorry, I'm REALLY bad with drawing humans. I drew this without looking at any references, not even myself. This is to show her hair, eye, lips, and skin color and close to human scheme.*

Weapon: The blade of the large dagger is a dark color of blue, the edges very sharp so that the slightest rub could cut through bark like tissue paper. The hilt of the dagger is a black color with a solid gold pattern of vines creaping up from the end of the dagger towards the main metal of the blade. A smoke like pattern weaves in and out from the middle of the blade to the tip, the color a darker blue outlined in real diamond. When pointing the dagger downward, or anywhere she chooses, the blade grows outward so that it barely touches the ground while on her hind legs, the tip is bent upwards like a samuri sword. It was a gift from Sholto for their 200th anniversary.

Spells: In the many centuries on being what she is, she gave the time in learning the arts of healing magics. Instead of actually using the properties of magic, her healing is based off of using excess energy put off by any living thing around her, being more plentiful then anything. It only uses a small amount of her energy that is hardly even noticed by herself unless weakened enough to the point of being barely able to stand. Only then when using the power to heal can it kill her, otherwise, it's completely harmless to its user and to the one being treated. The power, otherwise known as Het leven van de Circle, is a very gifted technique, the word meaning Life of the Circle in the Dutch language. The power is strong enough to treat serious enough wounds to even main organs needed for life, if treated soon enough. The technique can even be used to treat forming scars in only thirty days after the mark is left, though scars that have transformed others and herself are impossible to heal. Being what she is, she cannot heal scars left by her own kin only upon herself. If another is bitten by a werewolf, but is already changed and has new scars under the thirty day period, the scars can be healed except for the Changed Mark.

Another side effect to the Life of the Circle is that it can only be used around areas where there is life. If she and another are wounded inside of a barren area with no life energy to be felt for miles, she cannot use it. She could give the wounded one some of her energy to survive longer and be stronger against their pain, but their wounds cannot heal. The technique cannot even be used with the excess energy of the wounded one, a side effect taking place to drain the person's energy then to heal them.

Even though the Het leven van de Circle has a few side effects, it can be a fairly neeed technique on the battle field and on the medical field to treat the wounded. The technique cannot be used to hurt another for it is only used in healing others. It can be used on Siofra herself when she would need it, but she has to be healthy in strength and energy to use it. It appears as a smoke white whisp coming from her fingertips or wherever else she touches the wound, whether it be her muzzle or the tip of her tail at the most. The auric type of the power helps the pain fade away from the wounded spot as well as any blood within three inches in circumference around it. The pain doesn't come back when the wound is fully healed but can be felt once again if the whisp breaks off while in the process of healing. Also, the power can be used to attach any lost limbs to the user if the person lost their limb within six days of loosing it. After that, it is impossible to place back on unless the person can find a better user, but usually by then the open wound on the lost limb starts to show signs of rotting by the seventh day.

Potions: Siofra uses many different ways to heal certain injuries, but not the best Apothacary to go for. One potion she has always with her resides within the fairly large horn on the side of her belt, a dark brown at the tip as it fades into white towards the widened end that is covered by touch buffalo skin and tied on tightly to not let its contents spill out. Within the horn is a dark purple liquid called a Bane Potion. The potion is just was it implies, it cures any cases of bane poisioning when it gets into someone's system. Wolf's Bane, Dragon's Bane, Fox's Bane; it works against all in the Bane related class. Though, the changing diseases such as the Were-Disease and the Vamparism disease do not count.

When the user is infected with any bane disease, the person must immediately take a few drops of the potion in order to be cured. The only horrible thing about the potion is that once consumed, the body is suddenly thrown into an undescribible pain for a full 24 hours and if the person forcably puts themselves to sleep, the potion is haulted in their bloodstream and shall continue on once the person's body regains the slightest amount of consiousness. The potion starts instantly taking effect the instant the purple liquid touches the tongue, it starting to kill the bacteria and other harmful chemicals within the bane poisioning. It immediately gets digested by the stomach's juices and into the blood stream, killing all the poison within the blood. Though, if the user is poisoned with another poison as well as the bane poison, the other poison will be cured. However, if the person is diagionosed with any other poison besides bane, the Bane Potion will not take effect.

The potion will cleanse the body throughout the 24 hours of being taken into the body, killing the bane with stinging force inside of the body. The Bane Potion will not kill the user, but give them the most unpleasent experience yet. The body is almost 95% uncontrolable from the mind as the potion goes in through the muscles, making the muscles in the body jerk wildly against the person's will. The pain intended by the potion will not make the person pass out however as it forces the mind to stay awake to preform its process faster, but it cannot prevent the mind from blacking out intentionally. Once the 24 hours are almost complete, the body goes into severe compulsions during the last minute left for the potion must move quickly through the blood to clear out any remains of bane poisioning. Only then is the body utterly uncontrolable, even by the strongest demon or angel. The mind goes into complete shock so it cannot do anything to the user's body to help add comfort. Once the 24 hours are entirely up to the last second, the body is utterly calmed, the muscles amazingly unsore from the frantic spazzums that it held. The mind is completely unclouded by any pain of the sort, even through the last minute of the Bane Potion's rush through the body. After the potion is finally done, it will have cleansed out the entire body from any signs of the bane poisioning so that not even an atom is left of the substance, though a little of the bane potion is dormant within the body's immune system, aiding to help it whenever the person becomes injected with any other bane poisioning. Though if they are poisoned again with bane, the person might feel sick by it like any other cold with small muscle spazzums since the body is now use to the potion in the blood stream and will not go into a seizure like state again. This only happens if it is the first time the user has drank the potion. If the person is poisoned with anything else besides bane after the potion has cleansed the body from bane and any other poison during the time, the Bane Potion in the blood will do nothing against it but let the body's natural immune system take care of it while it waits for another bane attack.

Sholto (deceased)
Name Meaning: 'Sheild'
Height: 6 ft. on all fours, 10 ft. on back legs
Race: Werewolf
Gender: Male
Age: 604 (created at the age of 40)
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Birthday: Dec. 23, 1402
Description: Deceased husband of Siofra. His fur color is a deep color of dark brown, like the moist soil in the forest during the fall. The color is a shade darker around his feet, along his spine, and on the topside of his tail. The deep brown is also over his forehead and down to below his eyes and smeared around down past the corner of his eye partially down his muzzle. On his chest is a creamy tan down to his groin region and under his tail. His muscular build is strong but everything looks abnormally elongated because of his height.

Time of Death: Died on March 16, 1858 at the Last Battle of the RuaidhrĂ­ (Red King) by the Iron Mountains of Ireland, near the lake Slieve Anierin (Lake Anierin).

True Name: Patrick O'Leary

User Comments: [2]
Community Member

Thu Mar 20, 2008 @ 02:05am

Hmm, there's a little spelling mistake. It's 'Becoming' not 'BecomMing'

Community Member

Thu Jul 09, 2009 @ 10:49pm

I was just reading this journal for the description of Siofra (I have to draw her, remember? I didn't forget! biggrin )
And I saw that the male were-wolf's name is Patrick <u>O'Leary</u>?

whee Aaaand...who does that remind you of? whee

(Wow, that sounded extremely concieted. Sowee! crying )

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