What would you do if..
I cried:
I asked for you're help:
I was becoming suicidal:
I killed myself:
I died from natural causes:
I said I liked you:
I kissed you:
I started smoking:
I stole something:
I was hospitalized:
I ran away from home:
I got in a fight and you were there:
I became famous:
I yelled at you:
I slapped you:
I said you're ugly:
Be my friend:
Tell me the truth no matter what:
Lie to make me feel better:
Spread rumors about me:
Keep a secret if I told you one:
Hold my hand:
Keep in touch:
Try and solve my problems:
Tell me I'm fat:
Take me in if I run away:
Give me food:
Hug me?
Kiss me?
Tell me three words that describe me:
Tell me my name
Tell me you're name:
Fun to be with?
Do I know you in real life? No.
Would you care for me if i was in trouble or need it?
Will you put this in your journal so I can fill it out?
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I like muffins and waffles!
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prova905 Community Member |
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brandi502 Community Member |
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SamYams08 Community Member |
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iSoo Min Community Member |
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I cried: id give you a root beer float with an extra scoup of ice cream =3
I asked for you're help: id be there for you
I was becoming suicidal: id kick your a**, then be there for you lol
I killed myself: id be blue =[
I died from natural causes: id be blue...and hope you lived your life to its fullest
I said I liked you: tell you im sorry, but im in love with someone else "/
I kissed you: 0_o" erm...i have a boyfriend, so id respect your feelings but have a serious talk with you. i dont do cheating
I started smoking: mmm...id give you a gewd talking to
I stole something: id be upset and bicker at you until you took it back
I was hospitalized: send you flowers =D
I ran away from home: id talk to you...
I got in a fight and you were there: id break it up and take you out somewhere to get your mind off of things
I became famous: wish you all the best =]
I yelled at you: mmm...matters what about
I slapped you: id poke you X3
I said you're ugly: mmm....id say "i know you are but what am i!" XP
Be my friend: of course
Tell me the truth no matter what: yup, im a rather honest person
Lie to make me feel better: uhm...probibly not
Spread rumors about me: heck no, i dont do gossip
Keep a secret if I told you one: of course, your secrets are safe with me
Hold my hand: uhm...probibly not, im in a relationship
Keep in touch: sure
Try and solve my problems: not for you, but id help with them
Tell me I'm fat: if your mean to me sure hahaha
Take me in if I run away: uhm...i dont know you that well, but i might
Give me food: yup
Hug me?: yup
Kiss me?: NO
Tell me three words that describe me: unique, misunderstood, funny =]
Tell me my name: Logan
Tell me you're name: Alisha
Loud?: dunno
Quiet?: dunno
Talkative?: dunno
Lovable?: dunno
Annoying?: dont think so
Mean?: not yet
Attractive?: dunno what you look like
Weird?: yeah but in a gewd way
Confusing?: everyone is a widdle bit
Fun to be with?: fun to talk to
Smart?: sure
Idiotic?: everyone is
Tempermental?: dunno
Envious?: dunno
Do I know you in real life?: Nope
Would you care for me if i was in trouble or need it?: Yup!
Will you put this in my journal to fill it out?: Sure why not, im bored lol