Hello all! I'm SUPER happy for the summer!!!! It's funny, everyday I think, "oh boy, I've got to get up early and go to school. cry Did I finish my homework?" and then I realize that it's the summer!!!!!! Soon I'll be on vacation and having a blast! Even better, when my family and I are on vacation two of my brothers will be at spacecamp. They won't be around!!!!!!! ninja mrgreen redface He he!! They can be a bit... annoying! Anyway, I'm a senior now!! Yippy! And soon, by this time next summer (maybe), I'll be appartment hunting or something! Eeek! Well, I was just trying to catch some people up. I know this wasn't that thurough, but it'll have to do. TTFN!
-- Marz
Marzgirl Community Member |