Friday, July 6:
Alright folks! I'm kicking off this month's journal with a bang! Albeit it's a tad late, seeing how these events unfolded on a lovely Friday evening. That aside, let's take a look briefly how my 4th of July was.
I worked. Nice, huh? I worked from afternoon well into evening, got off at 8 pm. In Ohio, we had been blessed with a couple day's worth of rain. In a few days time period? Oh, no. The heavens dumped the unearthly torrent down on us in one sitting, in one DAY. Frankly put, our 4th was rained out. I wasn't bummed. Dad didn't hike himself over to a firework warehouse and buy some. We managed to shoot off a few bottle rockets here and there, but that was the climax of our (my dad and I) shared pyromania.
Of course, my neighbors are still shooting theirs off. STILL. Last night lasted until 2 in the morning. It drove me bonkers!
I digress. Now to the big business. Such a title has even the most dedicated fans of the series get giddy with tantalizing wonder. The title to this journal refers to the so called 'hottest' robot movie to hit theaters this summer. That's right. I'm a fan to...
TRANSFORMERS. Robots in disguise, yo!
Michael and I have been fans, apparently, since we were little. I never knew he really liked them. We headed over to the theaters, eager to see what they've done to the drawn hunks of metal we knew and loved on the television, their fame forever highlighted in the cartoons of our generation.
No. Seriously. What did we go and see?! I mean, sure, it was funny. I loved the graphics. Hell, I bow down to the creators and the hundreds of hours getting each lionized robot to function on the big ol' green screen. Still, I can't help but think the plot was rushed, Optimus Prime was the wimpiest robot to ever strut his gleaming cybernetic groove across the screen, and random robots came and went (can you say scorpion robot that magically disappeared after the first 30 minutes of the movie???) faster than you can say "Master Megatron". To many random characters (human) and it seemed the movie focused more on the humanoid race rather than the mighty robots.
AND WHY WAS JOHN TURTURRO ('You stole mah storreee') IN IT?! He appeared when half of the movie was over. OH MY GOD, END THE INSANITY.
Dry, with rare funny moments ('Sam's happy time' comes to mind when I think of this. Holy lord, don't let little kiddies ask about this scene to you. Change the subject if you can).
What the heck happened to Autobot Jazz? I mean, he showed up once or twice only to get ripped in half after a sad attempt at a funny situational back talking to a robot five times larger than him and with steroids shot up the metal wahzoo. Poor Starscream, apparently from Michael's words, the creators of the movie screwed with him too. At least he was the only 'bad robot' to live in the end. There was one battle that involved Starscream that had the biggest aerial gaping plot hole I've seen in the history of movies. One minute he's a jet, transforming back and forth fighting our aerial fighters, the next scene he's off he's doing an old fashion 'Team Rocket' blast off into outer space. WHERE DID THE SENSE GO?
Is it worth seeing? I'd say, if you like robots and don't mind how fast they fight (blinding speed that you can't even focus on WHICH robot is IS) then by all means, go see it. If you enjoy some sense and trying to figure out with robot is which, or simply horrified at the thought of what they've done to the characters, then maybe you should rent it on some lazy weekend.
Well, after the movie Michael and I dueled with our cards. 1 to 1, I think we need another game. The score's a bit of a draw right now.
heart Peace out, ya'll! heart
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