Eye Color& Brown Hair Color& Golden brown with a little blond mixed in Height& && 5' 7" Favorite Color& Orange && Favorite Band&Don't have one [At the moment] Favorite Movie& uuuh...Hercules(can't spell) orrr A walk to remember Favorite Show& haha, One Tree Hill Your Car& I don't drive, yet &.& Your Hometown& Kirkville Your Present Town& Camillus Your Crushes First Name& ~.^ That's a secret Your Grade& 10th Your Style& Wha? I don't know
[...Have You Ever...]
Sat on your rooftop& yup Kissed someone in the rain& sorta, we were under trees if that counts. Danced in a public place&yes Smiled for no reason& Of course Laughed so hard you cried& Yeah x) Peed your pants after age 8& I don't think so &.& Written a song& Yeah Sang to someone for no reason& Yup Performed on a stage& yes Talked to someone you don't know& yuuup Gone out of your way to befriend someone& Yeah &.& Made out in a theatre& Nope Gone roller skating since 8th grade& Sadly yes Been in love& I thought I was at the time, but no
[...Who Was The Last Person To...]
Say 'hi' to you& haha...Clarke Tell you, I love you& My Dad Or Mama Zita, I can't remember Kiss you& EWB Hug you& Rise Tell you 'bye'& My sister Write you a note& Alex Take your photo& myself Call your cell phone& Ephriam Buy you something& My Dad Go with you to the movies& My family Sing to you& My mom Write a poem about you& well...That was a Really long time ago... Text message you& Joel V Touch you& ...haha...well you see what happened was...jk
[...What's The Last...]
Time you laughed& today Time you cried& The other Thursday when I broke my ear drum Movie you watched& Make It Happen Joke you told& Uhm...No clue. Song you've sang& You Raise me up-Josh Groban Time you've looked at the clock& 7:54pm Drink you've had& water Number you've dialed& Shaina Book you've read& The Choice- Nicholas Sparks (Good Book!) Food you've eaten& uuuh, lemon something pie Flavor of gum chewed& Bubble Mint Shoes you've worn& Uggs Store you've been in& Wal Mart Thing you've said& Bye Maa
[...Can You...]
Write with both hands& Sorta Whistle& Yes Blow a bubble& yeah Roll your tounge in a circle& Yes... Cross your eyes& Yes xD Touch your tounge to your nose& Yup Dance& hahaha....NO Gleek& The heck is that? Stay up a whole night without sleep& Yes Speak a different language& not really Impersonate someone& Not really Prank call people& Yes Make a card pyramid&Who can't Cook anything& Haha, I don't cooking unless it involves the microwave...
[...Finish The Line...]
If i were a ...Billionare I would help a lot of people I wish ...I could rewind time. So many people don't know that ... I ache inside still I am...child of God. My heart is ...right now....healing
[...Would You Ever...]
Chew abc gum...I have before...I would depend on the person. Kiss someone you didn't know...most likely NO Walk up to your crush and tell them you like them...Probably Start singing in a store...If there was a good song playing the yeah. Walk up to you crush and kiss them...not under these circumstanses Rewind time if you could...about 6 months Look into the future if you could...only for some things
Yoda93 · Tue Jul 10, 2007 @ 12:52am · 0 Comments |