Make Me Super Happy By Donating To My Super Awesome Quest
[Emo]Goddess- 6000 gold! -mega tacklehugglomp- I LOVE YOU RE-CHAN! You're the bestest!
Total Value: 56,784 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Celestial Wrap
Baby Chicky
Chubbi Chicky
Blue Strapless Bra
Dead Sexy Skull Pin
Holly Jolly Collar
Green Checker Skirt
Black Leather Belt
KoNfuZeD PiNk SHoEz
Icy Snug Lacy Leggings
Cloud Zebra Wrap
Black Gloves
MoMo the Monkey
Emo Glasses
Mini UFO
Gwee the Dragon
Water Meat
Labu Necklace
Savin Up for Gwee!
I only need about 4k more until I have enough for a gwee. So if anyone could donate anything to me I'd love you forever! People that donate to me are so tight, they're tighter than spandex (than you Re-chan for the line!).