Please, Move My Thread Here!
[Gregory once again! As the title says, if you want a thread you have made moved into the graveyard, please post the name of your thread, or a URL of it in here, requesting for it to be moved. If need be, i will make a simple form to make out when requesting. Keep in mind, only post here if you wish to have your thread moved into the Graveyard! You will not be allowed to run anything in the graveyard[I.E. No running an art shop out of the Graveyard]. To have your thread moved anywhere else, Please PM c0rpse{aka Arsenic Reaper} by Clicking Here .Besides that, theres to be no posting other then ONE request for the thread to be moved here. Any other post with result in a warning, and if you continue, you'll annoy the queen and I'm afraid that you might be band temporarily. Hopefully I've made this simple enough. Have a good day.]